But I turn to her and flick my long blonde hair off my shoulders, knowing she can’t ever understand how significant this moment is.

“Yeah,” I whisper. “I do.”

Chapter Twelve


"Why aren't you fucking ready?" I snap, barging into Cole's room.

"Because it's just a party. I barely want to go, let alone turn up early."


"But Aaron was flirting with Kenny earlier. Yeah, I saw."

"Right? So let's fucking go."

"Conner," he sighs, pocketing his cell and sitting forward on his bed. "I'm far from an expert here, but you need to look less fucking keen, man. You're even turning me off with this sad puppy dog act."

My chin drops. "What the fuck, bro?"

"What? I'm just being honest."


"Just chill the fuck out, yeah? Kenny loves you, it'll be fine."

"No, no she doesn't. Right now, Kenny hates me, and can't stand to be in the same room as me."

"Just let her do her thing. She's been through hell and is in a new place. It can’t be easy for her.” He narrows his eyes. “Let her find her feet. Don't find them for her. Let her flirt with who the hell she likes, but just make sure she knows that you'll be the one there at the end of the night when she needs you."

"You're saying I should let her do whatever with whichever asshole she chooses?"

"She's not yours, Con. You aren't letting her do anything. She's her own person."

"And you'd be okay if I gave you the same advice about Hadley?"

"Right now, no. We're in a totally different place than you and Ken. But a few months ago, yeah. Hell, I let you put your hands on her."

"You trust me. You knew I'd never do more than you were happy with. Those pricks could do anything. Ugh," I groan. "Why is this so fucking hard?"

"Welcome to my world, man. Best you learn now that you'll never figure her out. But forcing her to do anything is not the way."

"Okay, great. Are you done with this little pep talk now? Can we go?"

"Hell, yeah. I'm desperate to get my hands on my girl. Last time we were at Aaron's I tied her to..." He trails off when my eyes widen. "Forget it."

"No, no. I think I need to hear this."

"And get you more frustrated than you are now? Nah, I'm not sure that's a good idea. Maybe while Kenny's finding her feet, you should fuck out some of that tension."

"You're suggesting I..."

"Why not? Gotta happen sometime, man."

"You make it sound like I'm a fucking virgin," I grumble as I follow him out of his room and down the stairs.

"Well, you pretty much are. You know it grows back, right?"