Not that I care.

“So, how was your first week, Kennedy?” Ace asks me.

I shrug. “It’s... school.”

“You ain’t wrong there.” He smirks, digging into his salad. It sucks, playing fifth wheel, but I don’t let it faze me.

I woke up feeling stronger today, determined not to let Warren, or the likes of Lylah and Marissa—or even Conner, for that matter—dictate my life. I’m here, I might as well make the most of it.

“So, what is there to do for fun on a weekend around here?”

Hadley and Remi share a glance, but I ignore them, focusing on Cole. He’s a Sterling Bay Seahawk, he must know where the rich kids of the Bay like to party.

“I heard Aaron is having a party tonight.”

“Nice, are we going?”

“I’m not sure that’s a good idea,” Hadley says, and it’s my turn to frown.

“Relax, Mom. I just want to embrace my new life here. Is that such a bad thing?”

“Are you sure that’s all this is about?” She gives me a pointed look, and I glower.

“Fine.” I press my hands against the table and stand. “Won’t give me the deets, I guess I’ll have to go get them myself.”

“What is she—”

Remi’s words are drowned out by the roar of blood in my ears. I don’t have a fucking clue what I’m doing, but all I know is I can’t sit here, pretending that everything is okay, any longer. I need to do something—anything—to give me back some degree of control over my thoughts and feelings.

Scanning the cafeteria, I spot the football team huddled at their usual table. I know it’s them because despite the season being over, most of them are still wearing their Seahawks jerseys. The cheerleaders are close by, but I pay them no attention as I saunter right up to the guy holding court.

“Excuse me,” I say.

“Yeah?” He flicks a brow at me. He’s cute, in that All-American boy-next-door kind of way.

“Are you Aaron?”

A couple of his guys snicker.

“That’s me. You’re the new girl, right?”

“Kennedy, but my friends call me Kenny.”

“Kenny, you say.” He gives me a tentative smile. “What can I do for you?”

“I heard you’re having a party tonight.”

A couple whisper, taking bets on whether I’ll end up under Aaron


“Guys,” he clips out, shooting them a warning look. “Excuse my friends, they’re assholes.”

I can’t help but laugh at that.

“So, the party...”

“Yeah, I’m having a thing. Nothing crazy, just the guys, some of their girls. You should come. I invited Cole and Hadley. Ace and Conner, too, if they’re game.”