I don't turn to look at Hadley. I can't. She'll see the pain in my eyes and want to help, but this situation is totally helpless right now. Nothing me or Hadley can do will fix any of it.
"Whatever," I mutter, turning and walking back toward school so I can find my car and get the fuck away from this day.
"Conner," she calls.
"I'm fine, Hadley. You know me, I always finish last." I choke out the final words, and I can only hope that I'm far enough away from her that she doesn't catch it.
The second I'm in the car, I head for home, ignoring anyone who so much as looks my way.
Stripping off my uniform, I pull on a pair of sweats and head for a room I've made use of a few times since we moved here when I've had no other way of blowing off steam.
I connect my cell to the wireless speakers and allow the heavy beat of Imagine Dragons to fill the room, forcing me out of my own head.
Stepping onto the treadmill, I up the speed until all I can think about is moving my legs fast enough and the burn in my lungs. I've never really been into sports, not like Cole. But exercise has always been my release. That and fighting, I just promised Ace and Cole I'd try to stay away from that as much as possible. Although I can't deny that I could really do with laying into some guy right now and feeling the sting of my knuckles.
I glance at the state-of-the-art home gym James set up but seems to never use and realize something is missing. Something I think I'm going to need if Kenny and I keep playing this game we seem to have got ourselves trapped in.
Chapter Eleven
“Hey,” I say to Hadley as she reaches me.
“Hi yourself.” She smiles. “How were classes this morning?”
“Okay, I guess.” My shoulders lift in a half-shrug. “Have you seen Conner?”
“Hmm, yeah. We had third period together.”
She eyes me suspiciously. “Why?”
“No reason.” My cheeks pink, and I want to kick myself for asking. It’s been three days though, and I’ve hardly seen him around school.
I mean, I get it. I told him I didn’t want him following me around like a lost puppy, but I guess I didn’t actually think he’d listen.
What did you expect would happen?
I shove down the thoughts and paste on a smile. “Are we doing lunch?”
Her expression falls. “Actually, I told Cole I’d meet him and—"
“Of course. It’s totally fine, I can handle the school cafeteria by myself.” Except, I already know I’ll probably spend the next fifty minutes on my own in the bathroom or some quiet stairwell. I heard the library is nice. Maybe I’ll go there.
“Kenny?” Hadley pales. “Are you sure you’ll be okay? I can tell Cole I‘ll see him late—"
“No, don’t do that. I’ll be fine. Lylah’s barely looked my way, and it’s Taco Thursday. Who doesn’t love tacos, right?” My smile is too forced, too bright and cheery for a girl like me. But Hadley doesn’t push, and I don’t admit the truth—which is that I’m not ready to go solo at Sterling Prep.
All week, despite our conversation after I skipped out with Conner on Monday, Hadley has been right there at my side. Even if, at first, I didn’t want her there. We’ve hung out at lunch and after school in the dorms. But I get it, she doesn’t want to babysit the new girl forever.
“Go,” I say. “Tell Cole I say hey.”
“You’re sure?” I see the flicker of excitement in her eyes.
“Yeah. I’ll be fine.”
“We’ll hang out tonight, I promise.”