“Whatever did or didn’t happen with me or Conner doesn’t matter, because his heart... well, something tells me that belongs to you.”

She gives me a weak smile before slipping into the hall, leaving me more confused than ever.

The next day, I leave for school before Hadley arrives. It’s a bitch move, but I can’t face her, not after last night. I need time to figure some things out—mostly what she said about Conner.

It makes no sense. I mean, I know he’s always loved me—we were best friends. But something doesn’t add up.

The second I step foot in the school building, Principal Vager appears, as if he were lying in wait. “Miss Lowe,” he barks, “my office.”

With a muffled groan, I dutifully follow him down the hall. Inside his office, I sit quietly, waiting for him to rip me a new one.

“I was disappointed we didn’t get to have this chat yesterday. But seeing as you and Mr. Jagger decided to cut class—”

“That was all my idea,” I blurt out. “After the tussle with Lylah, I needed an escape route—”

“And Conner just happened to be there?” One of his bushy brows hits his hairline.


“Miss Lowe,” he leans forward, steepling his fingers, “I cannot have you assaulting other students—”

“Assault?” I balk. “She called Hadley—”

“Miss Lowe.” His hand collides with the desk. “Enough. When I agreed to your transfer with Mr. Jagger, I was assured that you would blend in. You barely managed to make it through your first morning.”

I sink into the chair, feeling his disappointment from across the desk. “Sterling Prep prides itself on providing a safe and enriching atmosphere for its students. We have had enough issues with the Jagger brothers, let alone you.”

“Me?” I sneer. “You mean a girl from the Heights?”

“That’s not... I didn’t mean that.”

“Sure you didn’t. You think I don’t know what everything thinks about me? They take one look at me and cast their judgements. Nothing is going to change that.”

“You can change that, Kennedy. You can prove them wrong.”

I press my lips into a thin line, hating that he’s right.

“I agreed to this because I want to help. No one should have to—” He stops himself, and I wonder just how much James told him.

The thought makes me wince.

“But you need to play ball, Kennedy. Go to class, keep your head down, and stay out of trouble. Do you think you can do that?”

“I guess.” I shrug.

“A little enthusiasm would go a long way. It isn’t a bad school. You just have to give it a chance.”

“And Lylah and her pack of wolves?”

“Miss Donovan has been reprimanded.”

“She has?” I did not see that coming.

“A couple of witnesses came forward to give their version of accounts. They corroborated Miss Rexford’s statement that you were provoked.”

“I... I don’t know what to say.”

“Perhaps you should rethink the way you see our students, Miss Lowe. The way I hope they will rethink the way they see you.”