"Wait here."

Before I have a chance to respond, she's halfway across the parking lot.

Resting back against my car, I watch her legs as she walks inside the small store, a smile curling at my lips. This is what I want with my best friend being in the Bay. Fun and laughter. Not her ignoring my existence as if I mean nothing.

She's back in a flash with a wicked smile playing on her lips.

"What have you done?" I ask, pushing from the car and stalking toward her as she pulls a bottle of vodka from her purse.

"Seems my fake ID works here too." She twists the cap and immediately lifts the bottle to her lips. She swallows a shot before passing it over.

"You're going to get me in so much shit, K."

"Meh, what's new?" she asks with a laugh. "Come on. Ready to show me a good time, Jagger?" She takes off toward the arcade and I'm powerless but to follow her.

I drink down two more generous shots before passing the bottle back. She does the same before tucking it into her purse, and we go inside.

The noise of the games fills my ears, and, along with the alcohol quickly making its way around my system, I instantly feel lighter, like everything is going to be okay.

Something has been missing for me in the Bay ever since we moved here, but it feels like I've finally found it. Because although Kenny’s arrival was dramatic, more dramatic than it needed to be, I know I’ve found my missing piece.

"Where to first?" I ask as she looks around.

"Bumper cars," she squeals and takes off running.

We both climb into separate cars, and, just like that, I'm a twelve-year-old boy with an infatuation for my best friend as we whip around the track, her desperately trying to get away from me but failing miserably as I bump into her over and over.

She throws her head back, laughing as if she has no care in the world, and I can't help but join her.

Fuck the Heights and the shadows that darken both of our pasts. Fuck school and the cheer bitches who don't think she's good enough for this place.

This right here is how it's meant to be.

We're both still laughing as we climb out of our cars. Kenny makes sure no one is watching us before pulling the bottle out and taking another drink.

"We should probably get some food, unless you were planning on getting shit-faced," I say, refusing her offer of more. I want to be able to get her back to her dorm in one piece once we're done here.

My heart constricts with the realization that our time together isn't going to last forever.

"Yes, food." She takes off around me and darts toward the food stands. "What's good?"

"Hot dogs?"

We eat, we play, and we laugh. We laugh so fucking much my cheeks hurt. It’s just like old times, and I can't wipe the goofy smile off my face, something that Kenny notices, pointing it out every time she looks at me.

I can't help it. This right now is everything. It's what I imagined every time I've seen Ace and Cole with their girls.

It was always meant to be me and Kenny, and even though I pushed her in another direction, I always hoped she'd come back to me. We were written in the stars or some shit. I was sure of it.

"I need to pee," she announces, swaying slightly on her feet as she heads toward the bathrooms. I watch her the whole way, not really believing the U-turn she's made today. I want to think this is it now, that she's forgiven me and is willing to rekindle our friendship, but something tells me that this is just a small reprieve from her anger.

Nothing with us has ever been that simple.

Resting back against the wall, I pull my cell from my pocket. As expected, I find messages and missed calls from Hadley and Remi, there are even a couple from Cole and Ace.

Ignoring the messages, I hit dial on Hadley, knowing that she'll probably be going out of her mind.

"Where the hell are you?" she barks the second the call connects.