Hadley lets out a small sigh. “Because believe it or not, I get what it’s like to be the new girl, the odd one out.”

I find that hard to believe, but whatever.

“Just because I come from money doesn’t mean I have it easy.” Her expression falls. “My family sent me here, and now we don’t talk anymore.”

“What do you mean, they sent you here?”

“It’s a long story, one I might tell you someday. But just know that the Jaggers… they’re all I have too.”

I’m about to reply when I hear a familiar high-pitched voice.

“Is it me, or did they forget to take out the trash today?” My eyes collide with Lylah’s and she smirks.

“What did you say?” Anger ripples up my spine, making my insides vibrate.

“You heard me.” She steps forward. “First the Jagger brothers, and now you.”

“If you’ve got a problem with me—”

“Kennedy, leave it,” Hadley says firmly. “She’s not worth it.”

“Of course, you would take the stray under your wing. I guess it’s true what they say, like calls to like.”

Hadley flinches. “Just leave it, Lylah. You’ve made your point.”

“I always knew there was something about you. You’re trash, Hadley,” she sneers. “We all know you were fucking both brothers. But what I can’t quite figure out is if you let them take turns or—”

I see red, and, before I know what I’m doing, my fist slams right into Lylah’s perfectly symmetrical face. She staggers back, her banshee-like screams filling the air, and then she lunges for me. We tumble to the floor in a tangle of limbs.

“You crazy bitch,” she shrieks, trying to claw my face off. She must get me a couple of times, because I feel a warm trickle of blood run down my cheek.

“Fuck you,” I seethe, grabbing a fistful of her hair as I slap her hard.

Someone yells, a collective gasp echoing through the cafeteria, but then strong arms are yanking me away.

“Easy, babe.” Conner’s words hit me as he starts dragging me away.

Cole is already shielding Hadley, glaring at

Lylah and her crew with a murderous glint in his eye.

“What on Earth is going on here?” a loud voice booms.

“Oh shit, Principal Vager.” Conner finally releases me. As he grabs my hand, his eyes find mine. “Wanna face the music or run?”

I glance back over my shoulder and see Lylah in a man’s face, waving her arms maniacally and pointing in our direction.


“It’s your call, Kenny,” he says, his eyes boring into mine.

Without overthinking it, I smirk. “Run.”

Chapter Eight


"Run." The second the word falls from Kenny’s lips, I thread my fingers through hers and together we take off.