She fucking ruined me, and she has no idea.

"Come on, we don't want to miss them."

"I thought we were meeting them?"

"Meeting them... intercepting them... same thing, right?"

"Shit," I mutter as I climb from the car.

Thoughts of Kenny in a Sterling Prep uniform fill my mind, and my nerves about how she'll take seeing me are replaced by anticipation.

I follow Cole toward the dorms, my excitement about seeing her again after hiding here for the past four days has almost got the better of me by the time we come to a stop by the entrance.

"Conner, chill the fuck out. You're practically bouncing."

"I am not," I argue.

Cole rolls his eyes at me before they light up at something—or should I say someone—over my shoulder.

Turning, I watch as Hadley walks through the front door. The second she spots Cole, she takes off running in our direction and jumps into his arms. Instantly, the sound of their kiss fills my ears, but I'm soon distracted when someone else walks out of the main doors.

Kenny looks around for a few seconds giving me a chance to look her over. Her hair falls around her blazer-covered shoulders and has a slight curl at the ends, and I wonder if she’s trying to hide the numerous piercings she has in her ears. Her face is clear of the dark makeup she usually applies, but she’s left her nose stud in. Thank fuck, because it’s sexy as hell. I also notice her lingering bruises are lighter than a few days ago. She looks so fucking beautiful, I can hardly take my eyes off her.

"Kenny," I breathe, desperate to know how she's going to react to me.

Her entire body tenses as she hears my voice, making dread settle into my stomach.

Any hopes of her being as excited to see me as Hadley was Cole are immediately squashed. I don't need to see the look in her eyes when she turns to me to know that she'd rather I wasn't here right now.

I don't let that stop me, though.

"Looking good, Kenny. You are rocking the schoolgirl look," I announce, walking up to her and running my eyes down the length of her body. She might not have her skirt rolled up to the point that I can see her ass, like many of the other Sterling Prep girls, but that doesn't matter to me.

She could be wearing a trash bag and she'd still have my temperature soaring. "Excited about your first day?" I ask with a wide smile on my face, lacing my arm through hers. But she doesn’t return my smile.

In fact, she doesn’t seem happy to see me at all.

Chapter Seven


“What the hell are you doing?” I seethe at Conner.

Hadley and Cole give us space, too busy wrapped up in one another.


I knew I couldn’t trust—

“Conner.” Her voice cuts through the tension swirling around us. “You need to back off.”

His expression falls. “W-what? I just want to—”

I yank my arm free and put some space between us. It’s bad enough I’m dressed in this god-awful uniform, but now Conner is looking at me like I’m all his dreams come true.

“Kenny, I just thought—”

“Thought what, huh? Thought that I need you to swoop in and save me? Newsflash, asshole. You’re too late.” Tears sting my eyes, but I force them down.