Her eyes go wide as I storm up to her, but I see the darkness within them as she drops them down my naked chest.

Wrapping my bloody, dirty hand around her wrist, I drag her through the crowd—which parts like the Red Sea—and I don't stop until the door to tonight's makeshift dressing room has slammed behind me.

My hackles rise and my anger swells before I turn on her. She gasps at the look on my face. I understand why. I barely know myself after a fight, let alone one she put herself near.

"You shouldn't be here," I roar.

"Yet, I am." She smiles at me and tilts her head to the side in an attempt to be cute. Any other day, the move might make an impact, but not right now.

"You shouldn't be here. You told me—"

"Fuck what I told you, Conner," she seethes, stepping up to me and slamming her palms down on my chest, forcing me to back up. "Fuck all of this. This is bullshit."

"It's not bullshit. It's my fucking life, Kenny."

"Yeah, and you're fucking it up right now."

"You think I don't know that? You think I want to do this?" I lift my busted hands up between us. Her eyes soften slightly, but she by no means backs down at the sight of my blood.

"I don't know. You seem to do it a lot for someone who claims not to want to and keeps promising his brothers that he’ll stop."

"I don't know what else to do. I can't..."

"I do," she states, as the weight of her body crashes into my chest. She's tiny, but she takes me by surprise and I stumble back until I slam up against the wall. The air rushes from my lungs and my back smarts from the rough concrete it's pressed against. But I don't get a chance to recover, because she's on me.

Her fingers slide into my hair, pulling m

y face down to meet hers before her lips crash to mine. She doesn't hesitate as her tongue pushes inside my mouth, searching for my own.

I want to fight her, to push her away. I'm covered in blood, sweaty, disgusting, but one taste of her and I lose all sense of what's right and my arm wraps around her waist, pulling her body tighter against mine.

Her hand releases my hair and slips down my body. She trails her fingertips over my abs before digging her nails in and scratching upward.

"Oh fuck," I grunt into her kiss, my cock swelling faster than I can control.

"You need the pain, Con. I can give you that. Trust me to give you what you need in the same way I trust you."

"Oh shit." My head bounces off the wall, a sharp pain ricochets down my neck, but I forget all about it as her tongue laves at the spot on my neck she just bit.

"You just fucking bit me."

"I can do a lot worse than bite, babe. Wanna try me?"

My response dies as she pushes her hand past the waistband of my shorts and grasps my length.

My eyes shutter, but I just about managed to keep them on her as she kisses and nips down my body.

Each sting of her teeth feeds that feral beast inside that keeps demanding the pain, the punishment, the torture.

She keeps going until she's kneeling on the dirty floor. She stares up at me, her face now smeared with blood and dirt, but none of it seems to faze her.

Reaching out, she rubs at my hard cock through the fabric.

"You need to let go, Conner." Her eyes find mine and all I see within them is love and concern. "Fighting like this isn't going to give you what you need. I, however..."

She has the waistband of my shorts in her tiny fists before tugging them down my hips. My cock springs free and she wastes no time in wrapping her fingers around it and sucking the length deep into her mouth.

"Fuck. FUCK, Kenny."