He changed right after I touched him.

A shiver runs through me. Is he repulsed by me? Did it make him realize he doesn’t want me now that I’m tainted?

Bile washes in my stomach, and I press my head against the cool glass, waiting for Conner to get inside the car.

When he does, he takes the air with him.

“K,” he says, and my eyes slowly slide to his. “I’m sorry. Of course you can come back to the house. I just thought—”

“Are you having second thoughts?” I blurt out, pain lancing my chest.

“What?” He balks. “You think... No. No, Kenny, why would you even say that?”

“You’re not… repulsed by me?” The words hurt to say.

“Babe,” he leans over the console, curving his hand around my neck, “I love you. I meant what I said, Kennedy. I meant every single word.”

“So it’s not me?” I hate the vulnerability in my voice, but I’m not sure I will survive if Conner rejects me after everything we’ve been through.

“Of course not. Shit, babe. Come here.”

He holds me tight.

I want to believe him, I do, but something still feels off.

“Why don’t we go back to the house, and I’ll raid Ellen’s secret cookie stash and we can get into bed and watch a movie.”

My brows furrow. It isn’t quite what I had in mind, but I can’t deny that the idea of falling asleep in Conner’s arms makes me feel all squishy inside.

Conner pulls my hand onto his knee as he fires up the engine and backs out of our parking spot.

“I can’t believe you’re already thinking about food again.”

“I’m a growing boy.” He shoots me a playful smile, one that makes me feel like everything will be okay. It’s just new for us both. We have history—messy, painful history. It was never going to be easy.

We ride the rest of the way in comfortable silence. Conner grips my hand in his, rubbing his thumb over the curve of my skin. His touch is soft and comforting, like a warm blanket I never want to come out from under.

The road leading to the Jaggers’ house is dark and quiet, nothing but the odd passing car. Their house comes into view in the distance just as an almighty bang goes off and Conner loses control of the car.

“Hold on,” he grunts, trying to bring it to a steady stop on the side of the road.

I grip the seat, breathing a sigh of relief when it rolls to a stop.

“What was that?” My voice quivers.

“I think we blew a tire. Fuck.” He rakes a hand through his hair. “I’ll call Ace and see if he can call G.”

He tells me that G is Ace’s boss. He owns his own auto shop just outside the Bay. He also has a tow truck.

“Wait here.” Conner climbs out to inspect the tire. When he comes back, I can hear him on the phone with Ace.

“Yeah, okay,” he says, hanging up.

“Everything okay?”

“Yeah, G is going to get here as quickly as possible. Ace is drunk, so he’s going to ask Cole to get you and take you to the house.”

“I don’t mind waiting with you. I’m sure we could find a way to keep ourselves entertained.” I walk my finger up his arm as I lean in and kiss the corner of his mouth.