"Okay, fair enough. But... Lylah said something earlier."

"Lylah is a lying bitch," I snap.

"Yeah, I got that, but..." She hesitates, and my stomach clenches uncomfortably, knowing what's going to come next. "She said you and Cole... shared her."

I laugh. I can't help it.

"Okay, good to know."

"No, K. It's not like that. She's Cole's girl."

"So nothing has happened between you? The three of you?"

"Well... uh... yeah, something did. But it's not as bad as you're probably thinking."

"Right," she mutters before falling silent.

I want to tell her everything, make her listen, but I know Kenny well enough to know that she doesn't want to hear it right now.

Neither of us says anything about where we're going, but after a few minutes we step down onto the beach. Kenny kicks off her shoes and socks and wiggles her toes in the cool sand, sighing in delight.

Unable to resist, I reach out and thread my fingers through hers as we walk. She tenses and my heart sinks, expecting her to pull away from me. After a beat though, her hold on me tightens and we continue forward.

We're both silent, but that's okay. I might have a million and one questions for her, but right now, I'll settle for just her company. Hell, I'll always settle for that.

"I thought I'd hate this place. But... it's not so bad, I guess," she admits, coming to a stop and looking back up at the lights of the Bay twinkling in the distance.

The sun is beginning to set, the evening drawing in, and even I can admit that the place looks kinda pretty right now.

"Yeah, it's not a bad place to be. You could be really happy here, K."


Pulling her fingers from mine, she drops down onto a dry bit of sand and pulls the bottle from her purse once more. She downs what remains before wrapping her arms around her legs.

"Everything's going to be okay, you know," I say, dropping down beside her and ensuring our shoulders touch. I'm not ready to let her go yet.


"You're not alone now, Kenny," I say, pressing my hand gently to her shoulder and encouraging her to lie back.

She stares up at the sky above while I roll onto my side, preferring to look at her.

"Whatever happens from here on out, you're one of us. I've got your back."

A shiver rolls through her and I reach out, wrapping my arm around her waist and pulling her up against me.

Her scent fills my nose and her curves align with my hard planes, making my teeth grind as desire washes through me.

She gasps as we connect, and her eyes fly to mine. Something crackles between us, my heart thunders in my chest, and I lose all my restraint as I drop my lips to hers.

Chapter Nine


Conner kisses me. It starts off slow. Tentative. As if he’s been waiting for this moment his entire life and he’s worried he’ll mess it up.

The thought is like a punch to the stomach. Conner wants me... he wants me, and yet he pushed me into Warren’s arms.