"We're worried about you, Con." Unable to keep the distance between us, she walks over and stands beside me.

"You don't need to be. I'm fine."

"Conner," she says on a sigh, and I immediately know that I'm not getting out of this.

Her fingers brush my hand until they twist with mine and grip tightly. She turns so she's facing me and rests her ass on the windowsill.

"We care too much to let you deal with this alone."

"Cole told you." It's not a question. I can see the answer in her eyes.

She winces. "Yeah."

"Well, great. Don't tell me Ace and Remi know too."

"No, Con. We wouldn't betray you like that. Cole's just worried. Wanted my advice."

"Well, go on then. I'm waiting."

I keep my eyes locked out the window, unable to look at her while she discusses my issue.

"Honestly, I don't really have any, other than you need to take the pressure off yourself. None of this is meant to be easy to deal with. If we all just got on with shit like everything is normal while our lives fall apart, then we wouldn't be human."

"You do."

"Really? Conner, you saw me at my lowest. Cole too. You know for a fact that we didn't handle shit well."

"So what are you suggesting?" My eyes come to hers, narrowing in desperation. I need someone to give me the answers right now. I need someone to fix this. I need to stop hurting Kenny like this.

"Just take every day as it comes. Kenny loves you. She'll stand beside you while you work all this out."

"And if she doesn't?" I ask, hating th

e vulnerability that creeps into my voice. I'm well aware that while I've told her over and over again that I love her, she's not once said it back. Sure, I see it, or at least I think I do, in her eyes. But I need more.

"Her loyalty isn't in question here, Conner. You're it for her. Just give yourself time and trust her to know what she wants, what she needs. She won't let you do anything she's not happy with. But also, you need to trust yourself. You're a good person, Conner. The best. You'd never hurt anyone."

I almost choke on nothing at her words. If only she knew what I did tonight.

"Someone you care about, I should say. We've all seen you in the ring. You've got a mean left hook."

A laugh rips from my throat, and it feels so fucking good after the last few hours.

Tugging on her hand that's still attached to mine, I pull her into my chest and wrap my arms around her shoulders. Dropping my lips to her hair, I kiss her, needing her to know how incredible she is.

"Conner," she mutters against my chest after trying to pull away but finding herself unable to because her embrace, her support, feels too good.

"Uh huh?"

"Let go, you're wet."

"Hmm... shouldn't that be my line?"

"Fucking hell," she laughs, swatting my chest playfully.

"You are though, right? I mean look," I gesture to my naked chest. "I'm practically naked right now."

I drop my hands to the top of my towel as if I'm going to rip it off, and she runs to the door, laughing and covering her eyes. "Don't even think about it, Jagger."