“Have you seen Bexley?”

“Um… no, he disappeared a while ago actually. But why do you need him when you have me?”

“Just a little business to take care of.” I unwrap her arms from my neck. “I’ll be in touch. Be ready.”

“I’m ready, Ace. Ready and waiting.” She winks and sucks her bottom lip into her mouth. If it’s possible, the move turns me off even more.

It’s not until I’m back in my pool house, Cole passed out in bed in the main house, when it really dawns on me what a dangerous game I’m playing with Michaela. But I don’t know how else to hit her where it hurts without actually hitting her.

Grabbing my cell from the side, I shoot Remi a message.

Ace: I’ve got a plan for M. But you have to trust me. NO MATTER WHAT.

I don’t get a reply. I’m not really expecting one this late, so I scroll through social media for a bit before I attempt to get some sleep myself.

My bed feels cold and empty, and I hate it. I’m tempted to get on my bike and go to Remi so I can fall asleep wrapped around her, but I don’t.

Not this time.

After spending longer than necessary convincing Cole that he was not to turn up to school today seeing as he still had something pumping around his system, Conner and I head out.

I take him up on his offer of picking up Remi. If I want Michaela to believe that I’ve really got eyes for her, then I don’t need to turn up to school with my girlfriend wrapped around me like a snake.

Girlfriend. That word still feels weird. I’ve never made anything a permanent feature in my life before, but I can’t deny that knowing she’s stuck with me makes me feel all kinds of fucking awesome.

The second I’m at school, I make myself scarce. Although, I do manage to stumble across Michaela a lot. She thinks it’s fate. I know I’m playing her.

“Ace, everyone is going to start to think you’re stalking me,” she purrs when she just so happens to find me walking past the girls’ locker room after school.

“Not at all. It’s good to see you though. You still up for some fun?”

“Yes,” she answers eagerly, too eagerly.

“Later. Keep your cell close.”

“Oh, I will,” she purrs. “I can?

?t wait.”

“Me either.”

I make a show of checking her out as I back away. “Wear that. I’ve got a thing about cheerleaders.” I grab my junk over my pants as if the idea is arousing me. It’s really fucking not.

“Sure thing, baby. I might not wear anything underneath.” She lifts the hem of her skirt to show me more skin. It’s really not necessary; I already see way too much on a daily basis.

Smiling, I slip around the corner, ready to find my bike and get to work.

My cell’s been going off all day, and I know it’s Remi and that she’s freaking out. Pulling it from my pocket, I find message after message from her.

Remi: Of course I trust you, but I’d rather know what you’re doing.

Remi: Ace, stop avoiding me.

Remi: This isn’t funny. Stop avoiding me.

Remi: I’m going to start removing sexual favors if you don’t fucking reply.

Remi: Ace. This isn’t a fucking joke. REPLY!!