I have to find a way to be okay with that.

“Come on, Remi,” Mom ushers me out of the kitchen, but I can’t resist glancing back at the last second. Ace is watching me, his cool gaze clouded with emotion.

“If you need me...”

“I know.” He swallows but doesn’t say anything else, and I walk out of there, hoping this isn’t going to rock the steady foundation we’ve spent the last few days building.

When we get back to the house, I head straight for my room. The light and airy space usually comforts me, but today I find little solace.

Throwing my bag down, I drop my cell on the dresser and let out a heavy sigh. My eyes run absentmindedly over the collection of photographs and souvenirs I’ve collected over the years. Movie ticket stubs, plastic jewelry from my childhood that I can’t bear to part with, a couple of photos of my grams, God rest her soul. It has no value, but to me it’s priceless.

But something’s missing. I lean closer, inspecting the little wire jewelry holder. “Mom,” I shout.

“Yes, sweetheart?”

“Have you been in my room?”

“I was dusting earlier, why?”

“The necklace you gave me, the one with the locket. It’s gone.” She’d given it to me on my thirteenth birthday, right after Dad left. One half held a photo of me, and the other a photo of her. I’d never taken it off until the clasp broke, and I never got around to getting it fixed.

“I don’t remember seeing it. Perhaps it fell down the back of the dresser?”

“Maybe, yeah.” I shuffle a few more things around, but there’s no sign of it.

My cell pings and the missing necklace is all but forgotten as Ace’s name flashes across the screen.

“Did you find him?” I rush out.

“No, but I might know where he is.”

“The Heights...” Dread pools in my stomach. “You can’t go back there.”

“Don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine.”

“Ace...” My lip wobbles.

“Me and Conner are going to drive out there and check out some of Cole’s old haunts. I wanted to tell you...” he hesitates.

“I’m glad you did. Just be careful.” All kinds of bad things start running through my head, but I block them out. It’s Cole. Of course Ace is going to do whatever it takes to find him.

“Just promise me you’ll be careful.”

“I promise. Like I told you before, Princess, I have too much to lose now.”

“Okay, text me later.”

“I will. I love you, Remi.”

“I love you too.” I hang up, flopping down on the edge of my bed.

I can’t imagine finding out my dad isn’t my dad. Sure, he’s a crap dad, but he’s still my dad. Ace and his brothers have been through so much, have had so much taken away from them. They deserve to find a slice of happiness here in Sterling Bay. But life will never be straightforward for them.

This town reeks of judgement and enti

tlement. If you don’t fit the mold, you’re cast aside like faulty goods. I know that better than anyone.

As I close my eyes and drift into a mindless sleep, one thought lingers.