“No, no. Everything is fine. I just need to—” His cell ringing cuts off my words.

“Shit, I’m sorry. I need to go,” he says, scanning the message. “Tomorrow after school, though? I’ll clear my schedule.”

Something glitters in his eyes. Is he… happy about this?

I watch as he collects up his laptop and cell before walking to the door. “Are you sure you’re okay?” he asks, pausing.

“Where did you get these?”

He glances at the photographs I’m staring at. “I might not have been there, Ace, but I was never far away.” With those words, he leaves me alone in his office.

I walk over and take a closer look. There must be images from every year of our lives here. Some are the three of us with Mom, others are us alone. The most recent is from the night of my eighteenth birthday. How did he get this?

I’m sitting on one of the couches in the field behind the trailer with a bottle of beer in one hand and a blunt in the other; it’s not exactly the kind of image most people proudly display of their nephew.

I’m more confused than ever as I leave his office.

I’m so lost that I don’t even notice when I run into Conner on his way to his room. “Whoa, bro.” He whistles. “Your eyes not working or something?”

“Huh, yeah. I’m good.”

“Glad to hear it. There’s a surprise in the pool house for you.”


“You might not want to wait.” He disappears into his room with a knowing smirk on his face.

Shaking my head, I make my way back to the kitchen. Ellen catches my arm and hands me a note with an address scribbled on it. “You’re going to owe me for that,” she says.

“Thank you.” I offer her an appreciative nod before moving to the door and slipping outside.

When I reach the pool house, I open the door and poke my head inside. Surely there can only be one thing, or person, waiting for me? But to my disappointment, the living area is empty. Assuming Conner was just messing with me, I grab myself a soda from the refrigerator and go to fall down onto the couch. Only, a noise from the bedroom catches my attention.

Excitement explodes in my veins as I put the soda down and go in search of my visitor. “Well, well, well, there seems to be a girl in my bed.”

“I thought this kind of thing was an everyday occurrence for a bad boy like you.” Her brow rises.

I push down thoughts of my past, although I can say with total honesty that I’ve never found someone quite as appealing as Remi in my bed waiting for me before.

“I thought you were spending the night with your mom?”

She shrugs. “So did I until she announced she was going for dinner with James, so I thought I’d sneak over and surprise you.”

“Well,” I say, pushing from the doorframe and stalking toward the bed. “I’m certainly surprised.” I run my eyes up the length of her bare legs until I find the hem of her short skirt. It’s lifted so high that I get a hint of the lace that’s covering her.

“Did you have a good night at work?”

“I don’t remember.”

She squeals as I dive on the bed, pulling her beneath me and fastening my lips over hers. As I sweep my tongue into her mouth, I realize I am grateful to James for something. If he weren’t seeing Sarah, then I wouldn’t get this time with Remi.

Knowing we have plans this weekend makes it a little easier to refuse Remi’s many offers of relieving me. Although I don’t tell her about Ellen’s gift.

I fully intend on it being a surprise, which means I need to sweet talk Sarah into allowing me to whisk her daughter off for a not-so-innocent weekend in a hired beach house. I might refrain from mentioning my plans, though.

“I’m meeting James after school,” I admit to Remi as we walk toward her locker the next morning.

“You want me there?”