She’s already ‘stolen’ Remi’s life, as she likes to put it. What is she really getting out of embarrassing Remi at every possible opportunity? Was she trying to sabotage any hopes of me fixing my mess? Did she really think that pulling a stunt like that would get me interested in her?


I know Remi can sense the tension in me, but I can’t help but let that bitch get to me. I stand by what I said. She hurt someone I care about. She’s going to pay.

I just need to figure out how.

Remi lets out a long sigh as we approach my bike, ready to head to school.

“What’s wrong, Princess. Didn’t you come enough for one morning?” I joke, but when I look down at her, her lips are pressed into a thin line and there are worry creases around her eyes.

“What happens next?”

“Next? We go to school, possibly do some work to pass the time before I can make you come again.” I spin in front of her, giving her no choice but to stop. Brushing her hair from her neck, I place my lips there, breathing her in.

Fucking hell, I’m addicted.

“As good as that sounds, I mean what happens with us? We can hardly just walk into school hand in hand. Everyone will think I’m a right pushover for forgiving you so fast.”

“Fuck ‘em. I really couldn’t give a shit what people think. We know the truth.”

“I know but—”

“No buts,” I say, pressing my finger to her lips. “If anyone has something to say about it, then they can talk to me.”

“I don’t want to be the girl who needs her big bad, scary boyfriend to protect her, Ace.”

“Well then, tell them to go fuck themselves.”

She blows out another frustrated breath. “I really hate that place.”

“Come on, let’s go and show them that Remi Tanner can’t be messed with. With or without the sexy boyfriend.”

“I don’t remember saying sexy.”

“Oh really.” I smirk. “Because that’s what I heard.”

“You’re a nightmare.”

“And all yours. Come on, hop on.”

She climbs onto my bike and I instantly feel at home when she wraps her arms and legs around me.

The ride to school is short, and the closer we get the tenser Remi gets behind me. We’re late, as predicted, and kids are busy heading toward the buildings to get their day started when the rumble of my bike arriving makes many of them turn to look.

We don’t lose their attention as I pull the bike to a stop and let Remi climb off. She does so but makes no move to remove the helmet, much to my amusement.

Killing the engine, I join her. “Come on, Princess. Let me see your beautiful face.”

“They’re all staring.”

“What do you expect? They’re all jealous.”

“I’m aware all the other girls want you, Ace. You don’t need to rub it in my face.”

“Shut up,” I say, unclipping the helmet and pulling it from her head. “The only girl I see is you.”

With my fingers grasping her chin, I tilt her head to the perfect angle and press my lips to hers. We’re too far away to hear what anyone is saying, but we’re close enough to hear the chatter cease for a moment or two.