Reaching behind me, I pull my hoodie from my body and drop it to her bedroom floor, quickly followed by my boots, socks, and sweatpants. Once I’m standing in just my boxers, I reach for her.

The second her feet leave the floor, she wraps her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck. I hold her tight to me and breathe her in. I don’t deserve this, but fuck if I’m going to point that out right now.

With her still clinging to me, I pull the sheets back and slide us both into her bed. I settle us so we’re laying on our sides, our bodies pressed together and our noses only a breath apart.

“Ace, what are you—”

“Sssh, Princess. For once, I’m doing the right thing. Please don’t fight me.”

I pull her into me tighter, and, after only a few minutes, her breathing evens out, telling me that I did indeed do the right thing.

I lie there awake almost all night, holding her and thanking whoever the fuck will listen, for her allowing me this time.

She might wake up in the morning and regret every second of it or remember all the things I confessed and want nothing more to do with me. Either is a real possibility. But for now, I’ll just enjoy having her here, holding me as if she needs me as much as I need her.

The sun appears through the curtains all too soon, and it’s not long later that an alarm starts up and Remi stirs in my arms. She stills the moment realization dawns on her that she’s not in bed alone. After a few seconds she risks a look up at me.

“Morning, Princess.”

Remi blinks at me a few times. “I thought it was a dream.”

I can’t help but smile at the fact that she didn’t call it a nightmare. “I guess that all depends on what the dream was about.”

“Just that you were here, holding me.”

“Then I can confirm that it’s reality.”

She falls silent for a moment as she thinks. “All those things you said last night… were they…”

“True?” I finish for her. “Every single one.”

“Jesus. So you really have no idea if your dad is your dad?”

As relieved as I am that that’s the first thing she chooses to focus on after all the other confessions I gave her, I kinda hoped she might focus on another. Like me admitting how I really feel for her. I may not have given her those three little words, but I got damn close.

“Nope. I have no idea who to believe at his point.”

“Maybe you should speak to James about it. He might—”


“Ace,” she says softly, placing her hot palm on my chest. “I heard everything you said last night, and I understand your issue with him. But aside from your dad, he might be the only one who knows the truth.”

“Maybe, but I’m not ready to go there yet. Please promise me you won’t either.”

“Of course I won’t. Everything you told me last night, it’s between us.”

I stare down at her, the connection that’s always between us crackling away.

“What?” she asks, her already rosy cheeks darkening under my gaze.

“I really want to fuck you.”

She bites down on her bottom lip, and it doesn’t make my situation any more comfortable. “Well, I’m right here.”

Fuck, it’s so fucking tempting to just roll her over, rip those shorts from her body and slide right into her. But I can’t.

Not yet.