And everyone knows the villain never saves the day.

“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Hadley asks as we approach the cafeteria. Usually I stay as far away as possible from this place, but not today.

Today, I’m going to walk in there with my head held high, order my lunch, and show this goddamn school that Remi Tanner refuses to hide anymore.

Morning classes were surprisingly bearable. My teachers welcomed me back with the enthusiasm and compassion you might expect for someone who spent two weeks in a coma after having starred in her first sex tape. But by the third period, I knew something was wrong.

Sure, my name lingered on the lips of kids as I found an empty desk, but no one laughed or pointed. A couple of girls even asked if I was feeling better.

It was unnerving.

As if everyone was waiting for the signal to make my life a living hell.

And there’s only one person with enough power to give it.

Michaela has been pretty scarce all morning, but as we walk in the cafeteria, I find her straight away, holding court at her usual table. She’s surrounded by a sea of blue and white; football players and cheerleaders.

I step inside and they all look.

Every last one of them.

Something simmers in her eyes as she glares at me. It’s messed-up, but I almost feel a sense of relief at the shade she’s throwing my way. It’s the most familiar, normal thing I’ve felt all day.

I break our stare and start moving. “You don’t have to do this with me,” I say to Hadley as I make my way to the service counter.

But things just keep getting stranger.

Hayden appears, smiling at Hadley. “What’s looking good?”

“I don’t trust cafeteria food,” she says, grabbing a sub from the refrigerator. “I stick with pre-packaged things only.”

“It’s good to see you back.” He turns his attention to me.

I glance behind me. “I’m sorry, are you talking to me?”

Hayden lets out a quiet chuckle. “We’re not all the shallow douchebags you make us out to be.”

My brow rises. “Last year you helped Michaela break into my locker and steal my gym kit.” I’d found pieces of it hanging in various places around school. “Or how about the time—”

“Okay.” His hands shoot up. “I’ve made some less than stellar choices in the past. But it doesn’t change the fact I’m happy to see you.”

“You’re not happy to see me.” Bitterness drips from my words. “You’re trying to get into Hadley’s panties and want to score brownie points.”

“Remi.” She sucks in a harsh breath.

“I...” Hayden chokes out. “That’s not what this is.”

“Yeah, whatever.” I leave them and go check out what’s on the menu. I’m not hungry, but it beats listening to any more of his bullshit.

With my tray in hand, I weave across the cafeteria, my sights set on only one person. Michaela stands when she sees me, her lip twisting with contempt.

“Sister,” she sing-songs for the entire cafeteria to hear. “You’re looking better than the last time I saw you.”

This is it, I think. This is the moment the entire morning has been building to.

Adrenaline shoots through my veins, my body vibrating. “Well, go on then,” I say.

Confusion clouds her eyes. “Go on what?”