Chapter Five


“Remi, get in the damn car,” Conner yells as they cruise beside me. Mom had told me they were picking me up, so I’d left early.

I didn’t need them to hold my hand and babysit me.

I didn’t need any of them.

“Go away, Conner,” I shout back. Cars honk their horns as they overtake the twins’ rust bucket.

“Motherfucker,” he groans as I quicken my pace. Right up ahead is the point where the path splits, sending foot traffic one way and cars the other.

“It’s cute, this game you’re playing, but you’re not fooling anyone, Remi.”

At least he heeded my words not to call me ‘Princess’ anymore. I’m almost free of them when the brakes screech and Cole flies out of the passenger side and jogs across the road.

“What the—"

“Let’s go,” he snaps, grabbing my arm.

“Get the hell off me.” I try to shake him off, but he’s strong. Almost as strong as his big brother.

Conner winks as he pulls me toward the car, and I flip him off, not appreciating being manhandled. Cole releases me and yanks open the back door.

“If you’re doing this for Ace—"

“We told your mom we’d look out for you, so let us do our fucking job. Now get in the damn car.”

We’re locked in a stare-down. His eyes are dark and stormy, his jaw clenched impossibly tight.

“We’re almost there.” Conner’s voice startles me and I blink first. “You might as well let us take you the rest of the way.”

“Fine.” I climb inside. “But that’s it. Once we get to school, I don’t want—"

“Yeah, yeah, we got the memo. You want to do this alone.”

I stare out of the window, watching the scenery roll by. I don’t want to be here, I don’t want to ever step foot in Sterling Prep again, but what choice do I have? It’s senior year, if I want to graduate and ever make it out of this town, I have to put on a smile and finish my classes.

I have to stay the course.

By the time the school appears in the distance, my stomach is awash with nerves.

“You good?” Conner asks me as I catch his eye in the rear-view mirror.

“What do you think?”

“I think you need to walk in there with your head held high.”

“Con,” Cole snaps.

The splutter of their car alerts everyone to our arrival, and my body begins to tremble.

“You can do this,” I whisper to myself.

Conner and Cole make no rush to leave the car and, despite my annoyance at being railroaded by them, I can’t deny I’m relieved to have them both here.

“Okay, Remi, you know we’re going to have to get out eventually, right?” That’s Conner.