“W-why are you doing this?” I whimper, my muscles protesting at being restrained.

“You filled out nice, real nice,” he drawls, pulling a small knife out from behind his back.

Oh God.

My spine stiffens, a violent shudder ripping through me as bile washes in my stomach. He’s going to kill me. He’s going to kill me and nobody will even—


Ace is on his way over.

“You finally connecting the dots?” he asks, and my brows furrow.

“What do...” The words dry on the tip of my tongue as I narrow my eyes at him. There’s something in his expression.

Something I recognize.

Something in the recess of my mind that I can’t quite reach.

The rumble of Ace’s bike distracts Johnny, but he doesn’t look worried. He looks... pleased.

“Oh good, your boyfriend is here. Time to really have some fun.”

My blood runs cold as his lip curls. He looks depraved, a monster waiting to strike.

Ace appears at the French doors. The second he finds me, the blood drains from his face. “Remi,” he yells, bursting through the door.

“Oh, look what the cat dragged in.”

“Y-you,” Ace staggers back as Johnny steps out from the shadows.

“Hello, Son.” The words ring in my ears as the pieces slam into place. Ace still hasn’t realized, confusion clouding his frosty gaze.

Johnny is Charlie.

My mom’s ex is Ace’s uncle.


“You are not my father,” Ace snarls, his eyes darting wildly between me and Charlie.

“That’s right, kid, I’m not. I’m your worst fucking nightmare.” He moves behind me, gently dragging the knife along the neckline of my tank top. My breath catches as I try to press my back into the chair, pain ricocheting through my shoulder blades.

“Please, don’t hurt her. You can do whatever you want to me, but don’t hurt Remi.”

“My, my, how the mighty have fallen. I’ve watched you, kid. Watched you grow, all that anger and rage and bitterness at the world. I almost wondered if you were mine for a second. But then I saw you chasing our sweet girl around town and I knew there was no way in hell you could be. Letting a piece of hot ass call the shots,” he spits out with disgust.

“Our girl?” Ace grinds out. “What the fuck aren’t you telling me?” His gaze drops to mine, splintering my heart into tiny shards.

This will kill him.

If Ace finds out the truth, it will completely destroy him.

Maybe even us.

I smother a sob, screwing my eyes shut as I silently pray to wake up from this nightmare.

“Tell him, Remi, girl. Tell him how I used to sneak into your room at night and—”