I scoff. “He hasn’t exactly rushed to do so in the past.”

“Well, he came to the house ready to throw down with Ace. I was kind of disappointed my brother wasn’t around to get a beating from him. I hear there’s quite the line forming.”

“I’m glad you find this all so amusing.” I purse my lips.

“Come on, you have to admit, it is kinda funny.”

“Tell me that again when it’s your sex tape playing to the entire senior class and your parents.”

A dark expression crosses his face. “Well, I for one didn’t look. Okay,” he smirks, “I might have looked for a few seconds. But then I got freaked out because I realized watching my brother and future sister-in-law go at it probably makes me a weird-ass motherfucker.”

“Oh my God, what is wrong with you?”

“Ha, you didn’t shoot me down about the sister-in—”


“What?” He gets comfy on my desk chair, kicking off his sneakers and putting his feet on the edge of the bed.

“What are you doing here?”

“I came to see how you are.”

“But why?”

“Because we’re friends.”

“We’re not friends.”

“Family, then?”

Disbelief washes over me, and I let out a heavy sigh. “We’re not family, Conner.”

Part of me hoped we never would be. Because if my mom and James took their relationship to the next level, I could find myself unable to escape Ace.

He pouts, but I see the flash of regret in his eyes. “He did a real shitty thing, Remi, I get it. But you haven’t seen him. You haven’t—”

“Conner,” I say firmly. I need to be stronger around these brothers. I can’t show even an ounce of weakness, because they’ll latch onto it and use it against me.

I realize that now.

“Did Ace ask you to come?”

“Well, not exactly, but I know—”

“You can go now.”

“Oh, Princess, come on. Don’t be like that. I came to check on you.”

“Goodbye, Conner,” I say, folding my arms across my chest. He narrows his eyes, studying me, and then lets out a defeated sigh.

“Fine. But I’m not going to let you hide away up here for long. Take a day, take two days, but then you pull up your big girl panties and get your shit together. You’re stronger than this, Princess.” He puts his sneakers back on.


?Finished?” I ask drolly.

“For now.”