I know, I just wanted to see her. Cheer her up a little.”

She lets out a sigh. Obviously Remi hasn’t revealed all to her mother, or I doubt she’d even be considering letting me into the house right now.

“Fine, but I take no responsibility for this.”

“You’re the best.”

I slip past her and make my way up to Remi’s room.

I knock, just to be polite, and push the door. Only it doesn’t move. And I know for a fact it doesn’t have a lock; I’ve looked for one in the past to ensure we didn’t get caught.

“Remi, Princess. Are you in there?”

“Go away, Ace,” she calls, her voice rough with emotion.

“Not until I’ve spoken to you.”

“I’m not interested. You’ve made your choice, and it clearly wasn’t me.”

My teeth grind in frustration that she can’t just trust me. “It’s not what you think.”

She laughs, but it’s bitter and cold. It doesn't sound anything like her usual one that makes something inside me flutter. Nothing about the sound right now makes me happy.

“That’s what they all say, Ace. Hell, I even remember my dad saying it to my mom all those years ago. It’s always bullshit, yet guys seem to think women will fall for it.”

“It’s not bullshit, Rem. I haven’t touched that poisonous bitch. I’m doing this for you. You… you’ve just got to trust me.”

“Well, you’ve ruined that. I trusted you with my life and you hid things from me. So I’m done, Ace. Done.”

I stumble back a little, not willing to accept her words. “Never, Princess. We are never done.”

With one last push on her door, in the hope it’ll allow me inside, I turn away from her. “All of this is for you, Princess. You’ll see.”

“I don’t need you fighting my battles for me,” she calls. “I just needed you to stand by my side.” A sob erupts on the other side of the door, and it damn near kills me.

“This isn’t over, Princess. I fucking love you too much to ever walk away.”

She doesn't respond, and I reluctantly head back down the stairs. Sarah stares at me as I make my way toward her, her eyebrow lifting in question. “What did you do?”

I shake my head. “It doesn't matter. All you need to know is that it’s all for her. Everything is for her.”

She nods but doesn’t say anything as I let myself out of their house.

I ride around town for hours, trying to clear my head, but when I walk back into the pool house, it hasn't helped one bit. Heading straight for my bedroom, I lay on my bed, staring at the ceiling for hours, wondering if I should have played this differently. If there was another angle I could have taken to knock that bitch off her podium once and for all.

Remi doesn’t turn up at school on Thursday. I wait at her locker first thing in the morning and then outside each of her classes, but she’s not in any of them.

The other person who I really don’t want to have to look at, however, follows me around like a fucking rash.

“I really enjoyed our time together the other night,” she says when she finally corners me just before our last class of the day.

“Great. I’m glad you had fun.”

“It’s just such a shame you had to race off like you did. It really could have been an epic night.”

“I’m sure it could.” There’s no enthusiasm in my tone, but she either doesn't notice or doesn’t care.

She steps up to me and I fight not to allow my muscles to tense up at her close proximity. One of her hands slides down my back until she grips my ass while the other stops on my abs.