What if Cole does something none of them can come back from?

Chapter Twenty


The second we walked into the house, I knew. I knew that while Remi and I were in paradise, secluded away at the beach house, everything had gone to shit here. I didn’t need James to tell me that. I sensed it. Dread had filled my veins faster than I could control.

My heart aches as I watch Remi walk away with Sarah, but it’s the right thing to do. I know she’d willingly follow me to the ends of the Earth to help, but she doesn’t need to go to some of the places I know we might have to, to find him.


Cole is terrifying when he’s angry, and I don’t mean because I’m often on the receiving end, more so that even I don’t know what he’s capable of. His eyes go black and this blank expression covers his face. He’s totally unreadable, even to Conner and me. He could literally be doing anything right now, which is why we need to find him. And as soon as possible.

With one last glance in James’ direction, I race from the room.

“I’m sorry, Ace,” he calls behind me. I know that he is. He’s just as worried as I am, I can see it in his face, but that doesn't mean I’m going to hang around and have a chat about it.

I race up the stairs three at a time and crash through into Conner’s bedroom. He’s lying on his bed, staring up at the ceiling. He doesn’t even look over at me.

“Con? We need to go and find Cole.”

He remains as still as a statue.


“You knew, didn’t you?”

“Con, don’t,” I warn.

“You knew, and you didn’t tell us. Didn’t you think we deserved to know?” he hisses. “This is our life too. Not just yours.” He climbs from the bed and stalks over. His jaw pops as his teeth grind in anger.

I don’t move as he stands toe-to-toe with me, anger rippling off him in waves.

“We might be your little brothers, Ace, but we’re not fucking kids.”

“I know. I wasn’t hiding it on purpose. I needed to get my head around it, then I was going to tell you.”

“Not good enough,” he spits. “You should have told us the second you found out.”

I swallow, feeling guilty for not doing just that but knowing I wasn’t in any fit state to do so then.

“What else don’t we know?” I think of Dad—Uncle Charlie, as he apparently is.

“A lot,” I admit, much to his frustration.

His fist shoots out, connecting with my face, making me jerk back. “This is bullshit, Ace. We’re meant to be a fucking team. We’re meant to look out for each other, not going behind our backs and keeping fucking secrets. Important, life-changing fucking secrets.”

I rub my jaw, giving him a free pass. It isn’t anything I don’t deserve, but it doesn’t stop the sting. “I’ll tell you both everything, but we need to find Cole first.”

Conner’s nostrils flare. He’s desperate to hear everything I have to say, but he knows I’m right. I’m surprised he’s not already out looking for him, to be honest.

“Where do you think he might have gone?” I ask as we run down the stairs to my bike.

“Fuck knows.”

“I was hoping for some sudden twin voodoo shit.”

He gives me a side glance. “I think we both know he’ll be in the Heights. It’s just where.”