“You think I don’t know that? This isn’t how I wanted things to turn out, for any of us. But you’ve got to trust me when I tell you that I did all I could. I did what I thought was the only way to keep everyone


There’s more. I can see it in his eyes. But he’s hiding it, and it’s fucked-up, but I don’t push him for answers. There’s clearly a reason he’s keeping it close, and a part of me is grateful. I’m not sure I have the head space to deal with anything else right now. Plus, I’m yet to tell him the man he thought he had sentenced to death is still out there somewhere, living and breathing the same air as us. Fuck, for all I know he’s in this town. He could be watching us right now, plotting his own revenge.

The silence that settles around us is heavy with secrets. We both stare at each other, our eyes narrowed and breathing ragged as we try to fight our own battles and keep control. It’s the first time I see any kind of similarity between the two of us.

Maybe there’s more to the rich, pretentious asshole than I previously thought. Or maybe he’s just trying to make me think that. He’s the master of manipulation, after all. Everything he just told me could be total bullshit, for all I know.

“You need to come home, Ace,” he says much more softly than anything else since he forced his way into my little hideout.

“Really? You want me there after everything?”

He shrugs. “I took you in knowing that this wasn’t going to be easy. If I was going to let you fuck up and run away, then I wouldn’t have agreed to it.”

“I filmed Remi as I took…” I trail off, not able to even say it, as regret floods me.

“Did you intend for it to be seen by everyone?” he asks coldly, disappointment glittering in his eyes.

“At first, yes, that was the plan. But—”


“I changed my mind. I wanted to hurt you, not her. The kids at that school already look at her like she’s a piece of shit on their shoe.” His chin drops in shock like this is actually news to him.

Do him and Sarah not listen to a word she says?

“Why, Ace? Why did you change your mind?”

“Because she didn’t deserve it.”

“I couldn’t agree more. But why? You don’t usually give a shit about what people deserve. You wouldn’t have been working for Donny Lopez all these years if you did.” My eyes widen that he knows that little fact about me. He’s never even hinted before that he knew about my connection with him or what I did.

“Because I care about her, okay? Happy now?”

“Far from it, Ace. Far fucking from it.” Lifting his hands to his hair, he tugs. “I know you’ve been going to see her, and I appreciate that you’ve kept your distance. It’s what she needs. She’ll be home in a few days, and I suggest you continue to stay away. Remi’s still got a long way to go until she’s as good as new. But at some point in the near future, you are going to put this right. You are going to tell her the truth. You are going to apologize on your fucking knees if you have to, because I will not have a war between the two of you under my roof. Do you hear me?”

“Yes,” I mutter.

I don’t have a clue how I’m going to deal with things once she’s been discharged, but there was never any doubt in my mind that I wouldn’t see her.

That video was never meant to be played. I need her to know that.

“But before any of that,” James says, pulling me from my thoughts. His voice is cold and void of any emotion. “You need to pull your head out of your ass and do the right thing. I mean it, Ace. Figure out a way to fix this, and fast.”

Chapter Three


“What’s up, Delores?” Conner shifts his chair back, giving the nurse room to get to me.

“I’m all the better for seeing your face, young man. I was starting to think your fan club had given up on you.” She winks at me.

My brow rises at Conner, who rubs his jaw. “Fan club, hey? You didn’t tell me Cole had been around to see me.”

“Hmm, yeah. He came by a couple of times when you were asleep.”

We both know I wasn’t asleep, but that’s what Conner likes to call it. Since I woke up three days ago, he’s been by every day.