ho am I to judge? I let Ace get me off while they were all right there.

I blush. “Last night was a little crazy, huh?”

“Girl, it was the most fun I’ve had in forever.” She’s wearing a secretive smile, and I want to push her for details, but something tells me whatever happened is going to stay between the three of them.

“So, you like both of them?”

“Maybe I just wanted to have fun and let my hair down. I spend my days brushing shoulders with the SP elite. It’s not a fun place to be for me. Sometimes it’s nice to just be... free.”

“You’re right, I didn’t mean to judge.”

“Because you’re one to talk.” She fights a knowing smile.

“Oh God, you saw that?”

“I didn’t see so much as hear. It wasn’t any wonder I was like a bitch in heat.” Just then, Conner leans over and snags a handful of chips. “Pig,” Hadley mutters, swatting him away.

“Yeah, but you love it.” He shoots her a megawatt smile. Cole isn’t smiling though. He’s glaring at his brother with murder in his eyes.

“Just be careful,” I whisper to Hadley. The last thing we need is her to come between the twins, not when everything finally seems good between all of us.

“Ugh, fourth period calls.”

“Not for me, I have practice,” Cole says, standing.

“Ready for the game Friday?” Hadley gets up too.

“I guess.” He shrugs, taking off without saying goodbye.

“Is he always so—”

“Miserable?” Conner leaps to his feet and slings his arm around Hadley’s shoulder. “Stick with me, baby. I’ll show you a good time.” He winks at her and the two of them share a secretive smile.

“Okay, this is just weird,” I say. Ace stands up and offers me his hand.

“Bro, we’ve got a fan club.” Conner flicks his head over to where the football team are. Bexley is in the center, glaring right at us.

Ace tenses beside me.

“Ignore him,” I say, pressing my hand against his stomach.

“I really fucking hate him.”

The scrape of Bexley’s chair pierces the air as he stands up, narrowing his eyes at Ace.

“Ace,” I say again.

A crackle of anticipation electrifies the air, a murmur of whispers rising as everyone waits to see what will happen.

“Come on then, Jagger.” He throws his hands up. “I’m right here. What are you waiting for?”

My grip on Ace tightens as his body trembles beneath my fingers. “Don’t let him bait you.”

“I was thinking,” Bexley says, “that maybe you can give me a few tips. I heard you’re real handy at making homemade movies.”

People’s whispers turn to snickers.

“Fuck keeping the peace.” Conner steps up beside us. “Let’s just end this now.”