“Fine. You go with Conner, I’ll speak to Ace later.”

“Or we could all go?” Hadley chimes.

“No,” Cole says as I reply, “For real?”

“Yeah, why not.” She drills Cole with a harsh look. “It’s not like I have anything better to do.”

“You can’t come with us.”


“Do you have a problem with me or something?” Hadley cocks her hip.

“Relax, Hads. Cole doesn’t mean anything by it, do you Cole?” My eyes widen at him.

“Yeah, whatever. I’ll be outside in the lot.” He takes off and Hadley snickers.

“He’s... interesting.”

“You’re not coming to try and—”

“What? No! I thought you might appreciate the company. Besides, it beats another night of watching Magic Mike reruns.”

“There is something very wrong with you.”

“Hey, takes one to know one.”

“Yeah, yeah. Come on,” I say shoving my feet into my sneakers. “We should probably go before they take off without us.”

Hadley disappears into her bathroom, and I quickly text Ace.

Remi: Coming to the pool house... bringing Hadley, hope that’s okay?

Ace: As long as she’s good hanging out with Conner and Cole, I don’t give a fuck.

Remi: Ace, we can't just abandon her with the twins.

Ace: If she’s going to be around, it’s probably a good thing for her to learn how to handle them.

“Ready?” She reappears, and I’m sure she’s put more makeup on. Her lips are glossy and her eyes are smoky.

“You look... nice.”

“Oh, don’t give me that look. It doesn’t hurt to make an effort.” Hadley heads for the door, and I text Ace back.

Remi: I don’t think it’s Hadley we need to worry about.

Ace: What the fuck does that mean?

I smile to myself. Hadley and Cole is not a good idea, but part of me can’t deny I’d pay to see him try to dodge her advances. She might be the black sheep of the cheer squad, but one thing, Hadley Rexford is not a pushover.

Remi: Nothing, don’t worry... I’ll see you soon.

His reply is instant.

Ace: I will always worry where you’re concerned.

Chapter Twelve