I shake my head with disbelief. We rarely use the living room, but of course Mom would want to do this in there. Even now, appearances are still everything to her.

Grabbing a juice carton from the refrigerator, I make my way down the hall. The second I enter the room, I can tell it’s bad.

“How was school, sweetheart?” Mom asks.

“It was okay, I guess.”

“I had an interesting chat with Michaela earlier,” Dad says through pursed lips.

“Really?” I balk. “That’s how you’re going to start this? Can’t you even try and pretend you heard it from someone else, anyone else?” Betrayal coils around my heart.

I wish I didn’t know how me and Dad got to this point, but the sad fact is, I do.

Michaela drove herself between us and refused to budge.

And he let it happen.

“Your sister—”

“She is not my sister.” Anger vibrates inside my chest. “When are you going to wake up and realize that Michaela hates me?”

“Now wait a second, young lady.” The vein in Dad’s head pulsates. “I realize Michaela can be difficult sometimes, but you don’t make it easy for her to—”

“I don’t make it easy? Me?” My jaw hangs open.

“Remi,” Mom rushes out. “Why don’t we all just calm down?” She shoots my dad a scathing look.

“Oh for the love of God, Sarah, wake up and see what is happening here. That thug is corrupting our daughter.”

“Thug? How dare you call Ace a—”

“He filmed you having... sex, Remi.” Disgust clings to every word. “It’s a good thing you were eighteen, or I’d be pursuing sex offence charges.”

“Sex offence charges...” I murmur with disbelief. “So that’s how it's going to be now? You don’t give a crap about my life until I make some bad choices and then you decide to actually show up and be a father.”

“So you admit your relationship with the Jagger boy is a bad choice?”

My eyes narrow. “You know that’s not what I mean. Stop putting words into my mouth. Me and Ace have smoothed things over.”

“He took your virginity and recorded it, Remi. For God’s sake, have some self-respect.”

“Enough.” Mom leaps up, tears clinging to her eyelashes. “That’s enough.”

I fold my arms over my waist and let out a little huff of exasperation.

“Tell her, Sarah,” Dad says. “Tell her we don’t want her to see that boy anymore.”

“What part of ‘I’m eighteen now’ don’t you understand, Dad? What I do with my life and who I do it with is my decision.”

“Remi, please,” Mom begs.

“Seriously, you’re taking his side? You know how Michaela treats me at school—”

“What on Earth is she talking about, Sarah?”

“Like you don’t know, Dad,” I grumble.

“It’s nothing, Paul. Just girls being girls.”