Ace is at my mercy.

And I want to toy with him a little longer.

Moving around him, I close the door. His eyes track my every move. It’s the predator within him. “You can take the chair,” I say as I climb onto the bed.

“No fucking way,” he grumbles.

“The door’s right there. If you have a problem with my rules, be my guest...”

“Fine, I’ll sit.” He rolls the chair right to the edge of the bed, his smile a little too smug.

“It’s hot in here,” I breathe, sliding my hands to my thin hoodie. “Don’t you think it’s a little hot in here?” Pulling it off my head, I ball it up and throw it at him.

“I know what you’re doing,” he says, rubbing his jaw.

“Who, me?” I stretch out on top of the sheets, letting my boy shorts rise up my thighs. Ace catches one of my ankles and pulls me sharply so that my foot is in his lap and begins massaging my toes. I smother a moan. It feels so incredible, but I won’t give him the satisfaction.

Not yet, at least.

I shift the pillows until I’m lying diagonally across my bed.

“Comfortable over there?” Ace asks. He seems so different. So playful and, dare I say it, happy.

“Is this real?” The words spill out, and his brows crinkle. “Or it is just another game?”

“You think...” He swallows. “Shit, Remi, it’s real, baby. I swear to you, everything I’ve said, everything I’ll keep saying, it’s all true.” His hand stills as his eyes lock on mine, holding me captive. “Hurting you is the biggest regret of my life, and I’ve done a lot of really messed-up shit, Princess.”

“Have you ever killed anyone?”

The blood drains from his face. “When you said you wanted no secrets between us, I didn’t think...”

“Ace.” My brow furrows.

“Fine. But you have to promise not to run out on me when I’m done?” A dark cloud descends over him and I half-regret asking the question.

I know he’s dangerous, and I know he works for some dangerous people, but there’s still so much I don’t know about him.

Too much.

“I promise not to run if you promise to tell me the whole truth and nothing but the truth.”

He lets out a harsh breath. “Cruz was right about you,” he mumbles.

“Oh yeah, and what did Cruz say?”

“Later.” He brushes it off. “You’ve probably figured out by now that Donny Lopez isn’t a good guy.” I nod. “Well, he doesn’t let just anyone work for him. There’s an initiation process.”

My blood turns cold. “You had to k-kill someone?”

“I had to fight someone, one of Donny’s guys. This older kid I knew from my trailer park. Real piece of shit. He came at me like a bull out of a gate. I’ll never forget the feel of his brass knuckles crunching against my ribs. Fuck, that shit hurts. But I was light on my feet and quicker than he was. I don’t know how, but I managed to turn the tables. We were both a fucking mess, blood everywhere, broken bones... but I was the last man standing. I thought I’d won.”

“What happened?”

“Donny shoved a gun in my hand and told me to finish it.”

My eyes almost bug out of my head as I imagine a young Ace being forced to make a decision like that. I want him to tell me he didn’t do it, that there’s some kind of happy ending to this story. But I know the answer.

It’s written all over his rugged face.