“Ace,” she warns. Her eyes are wide and full with unshed tears, but I don’t stop. I can’t. My need for her is all-consuming.

I just need to touch her. To kiss her. It’ll make her remember what it’s like when we’re together. I’ve always been better with actions than words. I can show her how I really feel. How much I regret everything that went down.

“Don’t, please.” Her voice is barely a whisper as she tries to convince herself that she doesn’t still feel this pull between us.

“Princess,” I murmur. “I need you.”

“Well, you should have thought about that before you fucked everything up.”

Our noses are almost touching, I’m so close. Her sweet scent surrounds me and my mouth waters to have a taste of her. To sweep my tongue into her mouth and claim what’s rightfully mine.

“I was a fucking idiot, Princess. Just tell me what to do. I’ll make it up to you. Anything, please.” I hate that I’m begging. I thought I was above begging to anyone, but it seems Remi is an exception to the rule. For her, I literally will do anything.

“I-It’s too late, Ace.” Her breath fans my face as she talks, making me even more desperate.

“No. Never. Not with us.” I lean forward and capture her lips.

She freezes beneath me and I lean into her, desperate to prove to her that nothing has really changed. But she doesn’t react. She doesn’t move. She just does nothing.

She’s either a really good fucking actress, or she’s telling the truth.

We really are done.

Finally, her hands lift, but it’s not to pull me closer or to claw at my back. Her palms slam down on my chest and she pushes with everything she has.

“Get the hell off me, Ace. How many times do I need to say it? We. Are. Done. You. F-fucked. This. U-up-p.” The second I’ve given her an inch of space, she runs.

I might have believed her if it weren’t for the crack in her voice.

“Motherfucker,” I wail into the empty bathroom before spinning and landing my fist right in the mirror above the basins.

The glass smashes and my knuckles split, but the pain is nothing compared to watching her walk away from me. Pulling my hand from the mirror, I watch the shards fall. This isn’t fucking over.

This isn’t over by a long fucking shot.

I want to walk out. To jump on my bike and just ride. But I can’t. I promised myself I would stick it out just to make sure everyone does as they should and ignore her. Plus, the knowledge that she’s in my last class of the day is enough to keep me hanging around.

Remi thinks she’s warning me off by telling me that we’re done, but I don’t think she realizes that all she’s doing is setting up the ultimate challenge.

She thinks we’re over. I’m about to prove her otherwise.

It doesn’t take much effort to make sure the only desk left available for Remi when she gets to our last class is the one beside mine.

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” she fumes with her hands on her hips when she finally arrives. She may or may not have been intercepted by Conner to ensure she was late.

“Miss Tanner, I’m glad you’re back and feeling better, but is there any chance you can take a seat so I can start class?” Triskin snaps when Remi is still standing a few moments later.

“But, Sir.”

“Remi, please,” he sighs, sounding exasperated. “It’s been a long day. Just sit down.”

She opens her mouth to argue, but to save her from getting in trouble, I wrap my fingers around her wrist and tug until she lowers her ass to the seat. Remi huffs as she does, so both Triskin and I know exactly how she feels about the situation.

He sighs once again, but I just smile as I watch her pull her books from her bag.

“Have you had a good day, Princess?” I whisper once Triskin’s back is turned.

“Shut up.”