“Whatever you’ve got planned, I’m right here. Let’s get it over with.”

Her face pales, throwing me for a loop. “Remi, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Oh, she’s good.

She almost sounds convincing.

“Sure you do. The sex tape? The accident? Ringing any bells?”

“I wasn’t planning anything...” Her eyes dart around me as she forces a smile.

My eyes narrow. What the hell is her game? I’m standing right here, giving her a free pass, and she’s acting like I’m the one making a scene.

Something catches her eye over my shoulder, prompting me to turn around. Conner and Cole are at a table in the back, their heads low and expressions hard. I notice kids have given them a wide berth, leaving the couple of tables near them empty. It’s as if everyone is scared of the Jagger twins... scared they might—

I grumble underneath my breath as the truth hits me and take off in their direction, dumping my lunch in the trash on the way.

“Fancy seeing you here.” Conner grins up at me.

“Tell me this isn’t what I think it is.” I grimace.

“You could’ve given that to me.” He eyes the trash can behind me.

“Conner... what is going on? Are you... babysitting me?” I’d be flattered if I wasn’t so pissed.

“Babysitting? Don’t you usually get paid for that?” He looks at Cole, who is as expressionless as ever.

“Relax, Prin... Remi. We’ve got your back.”

“So, you what? Issued a school-wide threat that if anyone says something to me, you’ll hurt them?”

He shrugs. “Knowledge is power, baby.” His brows waggle. “And these flashy fuckers have all got a weak spot. You just need to know where to look.”

“What does that—”

“Remi?” Bexley’s voice makes my eyes shutter.

I turn slowly to see him approaching. Everyone is watching, their eyes darting between me, the twins, and their quarterback.

“You look good.” He stops a couple of feet away.

“Yeah, no thanks to you.”

The blood drains from his face. “Shit, Rem, I didn’t...”

“Mean it? It’s a little late for that.” This isn’t like me; I don’t seek out confrontation. But something’s changed inside me. It’s like I woke up in that hospital bed a different girl. Broken and bitter. Anger and resentment swarm in my chest like a storm showing no signs of letting up.

“Come on, I sent flowers. I tried to see you.” He reaches for me. “I really am sorry.”

Conner and Cole are out of their seats in a second, flanking me.

“Relax, I’m not going to hurt her.” Bexley’s shoulders sag. “She’s my friend.”


iend?” Cole grits out. “You sure have a strange way of treating your friends.” The air crackles between them as they share a silent look.

“Cole,” I say, tugging the hem of his t-shirt. But he’s rigid, his dark gaze burning into Bexley’s face.