“Good, then don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.”

He gives his head a little shake as he walks to the door.

“Oh, and Conner?”

“Yeah?” Hope lights up his face.

“Don’t call me Princess again.”

His amused chuckle stays with me long after he’s gone.

But it barely touches the ice around my heart.

Chapter Four


After paying for the repairs to the door James smashed in, I hide out in my shitty motel room for another two days. Only once I get word from the nurses at the hospital that Remi is being discharged do I decide that if she’s heading home, maybe I should as well.

So, under the cover of darkness, I leave behind the empty bottles of vodka and take my ass back to the pool house. My brother’s bedroom lights are on, and the temptation to go up and announce my arrival is strong. I’ve seen Conner almost on a daily basis, but Cole has been suspiciously absent. Conner said he’s been busy with practice or some shit. He was lying though, I could see it in his eyes.

Cole’s angry. Really fucking angry. And when Cole is angry, shit gets fucked up.

He’s not like me or Conner. He doesn’t go flying into a situation all guns blazing. He sits back. He thinks. He plans. And nobody sees him coming.

It’s unnerving as fuck.

He’s never shown any feelings toward Remi. I knew Conner liked her. I didn’t need to learn that he’d warned her off me to know he was worried about what was growing between us. But Cole’s just Cole. Cold and detached at all times. I fear, though, that she might have just weaseled her way under his skin too, and by doing her wrong, I’ve really pissed him off.

With my few belongings, I make my way to the back of the yard and slip into the pool house.

“Motherfucker,” I grunt the second I take my first breath. It still smells like her.

How is that even possible?

I dump my stuff and go straight for the shower. The one in the motel was fucking shit. Standing under the spray, I let my mind wander to the handful of good times I’ve had in this town.

All of them involve her.

Every single fucking one.

Once I’m done, I dry off and lie naked on top of the sheets, staring at the ceiling. The last time I was here, the video was safely in my possession. I was going to destroy that memory card. I wasn’t even going to watch it.

But I got distracted, and I don’t even remember what I did with it. I remember taking it out of the camera, and then nothing. The next thing I know, her breathy moans are playing out for our entire class and our families to witness.

No one should have seen that.

No one except me should know the noises she makes as she’s about to come. Only I should know just how her back arches when pleasure races through her.

Fuck. The images of that night have my cock rock hard.

Ignoring the need building inside me, I dig out the last of the weed from my discarded pants and light up. I don’t deserve anything fucking good in my life after the shit I pulled, and I don’t care how impossible it might be right now; I make a promise to myself that the next time I come, it’s going to be because of Remi, not my right hand.

I groan, knowing that there’s a very good chance she’ll never talk to me again, let alone touch me.

I live inconspicuously in the pool house for three days. I only leave when it’s dark to sneak into the main house and silently raid the kitchen for supplies.

I’m assuming the rest of the household don’t know I’m back, otherwise I’m sure Conner would have come down by now and forced me to hang out—or worse, leave.