“You were very lucky here, son. Any more pressure behind this and you could have had a serious problem.” I barely hear the words. I’m too focused on Remi as she answers the officer’s questions on the other side of the room.

I’m in awe of Remi’s strength as she sits there and explains everything that happened with Charlie years ago, before moving on to the messages she’s been receiving that she thought were from Bexley, and then tonight. She’s so calm, so descriptive, despite what she’s been through. I swear I fall even more in love with her right then.

As if she can feel my stare, she turns to me. A smile breaks across her face, and I know right then that we’re going to be okay. We’ve both been to hell and back the past few weeks but somehow, we’re going to come out of it all stronger than ever.

“I love you,” she mouths, ignoring the officer in front of her and watching the paramedic cleaning me up. “You okay?”

I nod. I’m just about to return the sentiment when James, Sarah, Conner and Cole come running.

“Oh, thank God,” Sarah cries, running toward Remi and James, and the twins descend on me.

“What the fuck now?” Conner barks.

“Da— Charlie. He’s been stalking Remi. Did you know he was Sarah’s ex?” I ask, turning my eyes on James, who swallows harshly.

“Charlie was Sarah’s…” He turns to look at her at exactly the same time she does him.

I recognize the look that passes between them. It’s the same as when Remi and I look at each other. It’s the first time I truly understand how James feels about Sarah. “No, I didn’t… how is that even possible? I thought he was dead. Where is he now?”

“He ran. He’s fucking lucky I didn’t kill him.”

“Why didn’t you? Cunt deserved it for this alone,” Conner mutters.

As much as I can’t deny feeling the same, I can’t put myself in prison because of a waste of space like him when I need to be beside my girl.

“He’ll get what’s coming to him. Motherfucker like him doesn’t deserve to share the same oxygen we do.”

“Are you okay?” Cole asks. It’s the first thing he’s said since he walked through the door.

“Yeah, I’m fine. Looks worse than it is,” I say, nodding toward my chest that’s now stuck together with some sutures. “You’re not getting rid of me th

at easily,” I joke, trying to lighten the mood. Cole looks like he’s about to lose his shit, and that’s the last thing any of us need tonight.

“James,” one of the officers says, clapping him on the shoulder. “It seems like your young ‘uns have really been through it tonight. Why don’t you take them all home? You leave this all with me.”

“You got it. Thank you.” They share a knowing look before James turns to the three of us. “You heard the man, let’s get going.”

Pushing myself up, I walk to where Sarah is still clinging on to Remi. “We’re all going back to James’ tonight,” I say. “Let’s go get your things.”

Because like hell am I letting her out of my sight again.

Ellen is waiting for us when we all get back with a table full of food and a couple of bottles of wine and scotch. I can only assume that James gave her the heads up while we were at Sarah’s.

“I’m not sure I can stomach food right now,” Remi says, curling herself into my side.

I know exactly how she feels. “How about we just head out to the pool house?”

She opens her mouth to answer as Conner walks in, announcing his delight at the spread before him. Fucker’s always hungry. Cole, on the other hand, takes one look at it and swipes one of the bottles of scotch.

“I’ll be in my room with my friend here if you need me,” he announces.

“Is he okay?” Sarah asks as we all watch him disappear.

“He prefers to deal with things on his own. He’s not good in stressful situations,” I say, trying to make him sound a little less… weird.

Cole is just Cole, and over the years I’ve learned the best way to deal with him is to just let him be and do what he needs to do.

“Remi, would you like anything?” Sarah asks, taking a seat at the table beside James.