Ace: I’m coming over.

I chuckle. Ace’s protectiveness is one of the things I love most about him, but I can’t deny I like to tease him.

Remi: Hang out with your brothers or something.

Ace: Is that code for... keep an eye on Cole?

Remi: Cole will be okay...

Ace: Yeah, how can you be so sure?

Remi: Because he has you for a brother and you’ll never let anything happen to him.

Ace: I love you.

Remi: I love you more.

Warmth spreads through me, and I’m almost ready to ask him to come over when I hear something in the kitchen. “Hello?” I call out, my heart crashing in my chest.

My fingers clutch my cell phone as I search the hall for any signs of life.

Get a grip, I scold myself. There’s nothing here. Bexley is on house arrest until he’s shipped off to another school. He’s stupid, but he’s not so stupid as to try anything again.

But fear snakes through me, taking root in my chest, and before I know it, I’m texting Ace back.

Remi: I was thinking maybe you should come over after all.

Ace: Yeah? I’ll just check on the twins and I’ll be there.

I can’t help but smile when another text comes through, but my stomach drops when I scan the words.

Unknown: Hello, Remi... it’s been a while.

The world grows small as I re-read the message. It wasn’t Bexley. All this time I thought he’d been the one texting me, hanging around the house... but it wasn’t Bexley.

Which means, if it wasn’t—

Someone grabs me from behind, a gloved hand smothering the scream that tears from my lungs as I’m yanked backward.

“It’s been a while, sweetheart.” His hot, rancid breath drifts over my face, making my stomach churn.

“J-Johnny?” It comes out muffled as he yanks me into the kitchen.

“Figured it was time you and I had a little reunion. You’ve grown up real nice, Remi, girl.”

I’m paralyzed with fear. It vibrates through me as blood rises between my ears.


My mom’s ex.

All this time it was him.

He wrestles me into a chair as I thrash and kick, but he’s too strong, and before I know it he’s cable tied my hands behind my back, and my ankles together.

I take him in, the man who almost ruined mine and Mom’s lives.

Time hasn’t been kind to him. He’s a mess. Shaggy, greasy hair falls into his eyes and an unkempt beard covers half his face. His eyes are shot, dark circles ringing them. If I didn’t know better, I’d say he’s strung out on something.