“Ace. Fuck. I need… I need…”

“I know exactly what you need, baby.” I press my thumb to her clit and she immediately falls headfirst into her release. She squeezes me so tight, I’ve got no choice but to follow her over.

Still buried deep inside her, I drop forward and take her lips. My chest heaves, but I’m not ready to let her go just yet.

Dropping to my side, I pull her into me and rest my chin on the top of her head. Blowing out a long breath, I try to rid my mind of the image of Remi crowded against the wall while Bexley glared down at her. I tense with my need to find the cunt and to finish the job I started. My switchblade was right there. It would have been so easy to end it all. To put a stop to his weird obsession with Remi.

I should have fucking done more after the first time at his party. I should have… fuck.

“Stop overthinking, Ace. It’s done.”

My fists clench against her. “I could have stopped him before it got to this.”

“You weren’t to know this was going to happen. Besides, the fall was an accident.”

“Still, he could have hurt you… he could have—”

“Shh.” She presses her finger to my lips. “You can’t protect me from everything.”

“But I want to. I need to.”

“And I love you so much for that.”

Dropping my nose to her hair, I breathe her in, reminding myself that she’s safe and in my arms where she belongs.

It’s only a few minutes before her breathing evens out and her body relaxes against me.

I stay there for the longest time, just holding her and listening to her breathe. I think back over the last few weeks, wondering how I missed it.

Eventually, my stomach rumbles to the point that I can no longer ignore it, or my need for the bathroom. Gently, I pull my arm from beneath her and stand from the bed. Running my eyes down her curves, my cock stirs once again. I can’t fucking get enough of her.

Regretfully, I pull the sheet over her body before turning to the bathroom and pulling some sweats on so I can go up to the house for some food. Remi’s not eaten all day, so I decide to grab whatever I can from the refrigerator and bring it all back down for when she wakes.

I’ve no idea what time it is, but when I step through into the kitchen, I find Conner, Cole and Ellen sitting around the table eating.

“Here he is, our resident superhero,” Conner announces.

“Hardly,” I mutter.

“Do you have anything I can take down for Remi?” I ask Ellen.

“Of course. Take a seat, I’ll make something up for both of you.”

“It’s okay, I can—”

“Sit,” she says, giving me her stern eye.

I do as I’m told, secretly grateful that I don’t have to do anything.

“How’s she doing?” Conner asks.

“Fine. She’s sleeping.”

“From the fact that you’re half-dressed, I’m assuming that’s not all she’s been doing.”

“La, la, la, la,” Ellen sings from behind us.

“Sorry, Martha. We’ll keep it PG-13.”