“Fuck,” someone else says, and Cole and Conner jog

into view. There’s no light back here, just the silvery hue of the moon. It’s ethereal, illuminating them like three fallen angels stalking their prey.

“What the fuck?” Cole asks.

“The motherfucker was trying to hurt her.”

Conner jogs over to us and crouches down, brushing the hair from my face. “Hey there, Princess. How are you holding up?”

“A-Ace...” my voice cracks.


“Fuck,” he breathes.

“We should get her out of here.”

“No.” I grab his shirt. “A-Ace will take care of it. I don’t...” The words are gone before I can get them out.

“You like hurting girls?” Cole’s low growl vibrates through me, and I whimper.

“Shit, budge up, Hads. Let me get her.” My body is twisted until I’m seated across Conner’s lap. He presses something to my head, and I wince in pain.

“Shh, it’ll help with the bleeding until we can get you looked at.”

“Are you sure this is a good idea?”

“He’ll only lose it if I try to take her anywhere.”

“Conner,” I whisper.

“Shh, I’ve got you, Remi. Ain’t no one going to hurt you again.”

“H-he... texting me. T-think he... stalking me.”

“Fuck,” he hisses. “Did you know about this?”

“Not a word,” Hadley says. “I knew he had it bad for her, but I didn’t think...”

My eyes are heavy, but I can just make out Ace and Cole beating the crap out of Bexley. “S-stop.” I tug at Conner’s shirt. “Don’t let him...”

“You’re done, Danforth. I’m going to take everything you love, everything you hold fucking dear, and destroy it. Starting with your throwing arm.”

“N-no,” I croak, desperate for somebody to stop Ace.

I may be slipping, but I know I don’t want to be the reason Ace loses himself.

But it’s too late.

A loud crack echoes through the air, followed by a blood-curdling scream... and then everything goes black.

I slowly peek open my eyes, only to be met with eyes so blue I’d know them anywhere.

“Thank fuck, Princess.” Relief floods Ace’s expression.

“W-where am I?” There’s a thick fog clouding my thoughts.

“The pool house.” He runs a finger along my cheek, pushing the hair from my face.