I turn to face the dance floor again, giving myself a second to catch my breath. Bexley is becoming unhinged, and I know I need to tell Ace about the texts and the fact that I’m pretty sure he’s been stalking the house.

This time, when I feel someone behind me, I don’t falter. Ace’s strong arms wrap around me from behind, his lips brushing the shell of my ear. “Do you have any idea how good you look?”

“Do you have any idea how mad I am with you?”

“I know, Princess. But right now, I don’t want to fight. I want to dance with the girl who owns not only my heart but my balls as well.” He slips around me.

He looks so good in dark slacks and a black dress shirt. The sleeves are pushed up to his elbows and he’s left his collar open, giving a hint at the ink and muscle beneath.

He looks devastating, and my heart races in my chest that I get to call him mine.

Even if he drives me completely insane sometimes.

“So what do you say, Remi?” He holds out his hand, nothing but love and lust shining in his eyes. “Dance with me?”

Chapter Twenty-Six


She tenses before me, and I already know what her answer is going to be. I don’t want to fucking be here dressed up like an idiot, yet I am.

For her.

“Please, Princess. Everything ends tonight, and it’ll be just you and me again.”

“It should be you and me now, Ace.”

“I just need you to trust me.”

“And I just need you to stop repeating yourself,” she quips.

Reaching out, I take her hand and pull her into my body. “One dance, Princess. I need you.”

She shudders against me and I know I’ve got her. “One dance. And keep your hands where everyone can see them.”

I move us as one out to the dance floor, my entire body relaxing at just having her beside me. “Do you have to ruin all my fun, Princess?”

Lifting her arms so they rest over my shoulders, I wrap my own around her waist, ensuring there’s no space between us. “That dress looks incredible on you,” I whisper in her ear. I knew it would the second I saw it. I may have had some instructions from Hadley, but I didn’t really need them. It was like the dress had Remi’s name written all over it.

“Thank you, it’s beautiful.”

“Not as beautiful as the girl wearing it.”

“Ace,” she warns. ‘Your smooth lines aren’t going to work.”

“That wasn’t a line, Princess. It was just the truth.”

We move together while others dance around us, but I pay them no attention. Nor the music which has a much higher tempo to the imaginary one Remi and I are dancing to. I’m too focused on having my girl back in my arms.

“I’ve missed you,” I whisper, holding her a little tighter.

“Then you shouldn’t have shut me out.”

She might be holding on to me, but she’s far from being relaxed.

“I had to. You’ll understand why soon.”

I’m so lost to the feeling of her pressed up against me that I don’t notice someone approaching.