I’ve arrived fashionably late, so I know Hadley is already inside. But I don’t know if Ace is here yet.

Mom watches with glossy eyes as I climb out of the car and make my way inside. The music is loud, drowning out the laughter and chatter of my classmates beyond. Everyone is probably high on the win. I heard from Hadley that the Seahawks won their game by a landslide.

“Holy crap, girl.” She spots me and hurries over. “You look amazing.”

“Thank you. Ace got me the dress.”

“No shit.” Her smile is too sweet.

“Hads... what did you do?”

“Who, me?”

“Ace called you, didn’t he?” Of course he’d had some help. I should have known.

“If it’s any consolation, I only gave him your size and a list of do-nots. The rest was one hundred percent all him. And the boy did good.” She grabs my hand and makes me twirl. “He’s going to freak when he sees you.”

“About that.” I lean in, lowering my voice. “Is he here?”

“You mean you didn’t call him yet? Remi!”

“I know, I know, I just... I feel like I’m giving in too easily again.”

“Well, if you want to drive him wild, get in there, grab the first guy you see, and shake that fine ass all over him. Ace won’t know what’s hit him.”

“I didn’t come to cause any trouble, Hads. I think we’ve all had enough of that.”

“Well, I don’t know about you, but I came to have fun.” Her gaze drops to her purse and she waggles her brows. “Wanna join me in the restroom for a little pre-party pick-me-up?”

My eyes grow to saucers and she giggles. “Vodka, Remi. I snuck in a bottle of vodka. Geez, what do you think I was talking about?”

“Sorry, I...”

“It’s cool. But come on, we need to hurry. They’re going to announce the king and queen soon and I’m rooting for Michaela to get knocked off he

r throne.”

“I think we both know that’s unlikely, Hads,” I grumble as we both walk hand in hand to the restroom. “She’s a sure win.”

“Oh, I don’t know.” She shrugs, but I don’t miss the faint smirk on her face. “I have a feeling the odds may be in our favor tonight.”

The student committee has gone all out for Homecoming. Blue and white balloons decorate big round tables, and silver streamers hang from the ceiling and wrap around the wall lamps. It’s like Seahawk school spirit puked up all over the place. I want to hate it. Part of me does hate it, but as I stand on the edge of the dance floor watching Conner twirl a tipsy Hadley around like a rag doll, I can’t help but smile. Maybe it’s the vodka running through my veins, or the fact that I feel beautiful in the dress Ace bought me, but I don’t feel their stares or hear the hum of their whispers.

I do, however, feel the person step up behind me. “Ace—" I spin around, the words dying on the tip of my tongue. “Oh, it’s you.”

“Is that any way to greet an old friend?” Bexley sneers, swaying slightly on his feet. He’s buzzed, his pupils blown and jaw tight. “Looking good, Remi Bear.”

“You should get lost, Bexley, before Ace—" I see him across the room, my body humming with nervous energy.

A low growl rumbles in Bexley’s chest as he glances over his shoulder. “You have got to be fucking kidding me. You’re still going to go back to that piece of shit after he played you?”

“Newsflash, Bexley, even if I’m not with Ace, I’ll never be yours. What part of that don’t you get?”

Ace starts toward us, murder in his eyes. I let out a low groan. This isn’t going to end well.

“You should go, Bexley. I mean it.”

He chuckles darkly, leaning in. “You and me, we’ve got unfinished business...” He leaves the warning hanging as he saunters away, hands in his pockets, wearing his trademark entitled-asshole smile.