“Well, don’t just stand there staring at the damn thing. Put it on.” Mom gives me an encouraging nod.

“I don’t know, Mom. Homecoming really isn’t my thing.”

“Remi.” She stands and comes over to me, touching my cheek. “You are a beautiful, brave, and headstrong young woman. Surely you’re not going to let the likes of Michaela or a little fight with Ace stop you from going to Homecoming?”

“But Ace...”

“Loves you. He loves you, Remi. It’s written all over his face every time he looks at you. I’ll be honest with you, sweetheart, his intensity toward you scares me a little. You’re both so young... but something tells me he would move mountains to make you happy.”

I clutch the dress to my body. I had no intention of going to Homecoming, but Mom’s right. I’ve spent my entire life living in the shadows at Sterling Prep.

Maybe it's time to step into the light.

Maybe it’s my time to shine.

“Do you think I can wear my sneakers?” I ask, and Mom’s soft laughter wraps around me like a blanket.

“Come on,” she says. “I think I might have something that will work.”

I’m adding the final touches to my make-up when I hear something outside the kitchen doors.

My heart flutters at the prospect of seeing Ace. I haven’t texted him back yet, so it doesn’t surprise me that he’s grown impatient and taken matters into his own hands.

Blotting my lips one last time, I walk over to the back door and pull it open. But there’s nothing there.

Frowning, I step outside. “Ace?” I call only to be met with silence. A shudder rolls through me.


“I’m out here, Mom.”

“What is it?” She meets me at the door.

“Nothing, I guess. I thought I heard someone...” I glance back, but there’s nothing but the empty sidewalk and the beach behind that.

“Probably just the wind.”

“Yeah, maybe.”

“Are you all set? You look stunning, sweetheart.” Mom holds my shoulders, taking me in.

My hair is in a relaxed updo, leaving a few waves loose around my face. It draws attention to the low-cut neckline of my dress. I searched for my locket again earlier but couldn’t find it, so I’ve opted for a plain velvet choker. It looks killer alongside the black ankle boots Mom gave me.

Ace is going to die when he sees me.

At least, I hope so.

My nerves only grow as Mom drives me to Sterling Prep. Homecoming is always held in the Old Hall, one of the beautiful brick buildings on campus. Hadley had tried to talk me into going to the football game beforehand, but I didn’t want to sit through another game alone.

It’s going to be hard enough walking into the dance alone, but it’s something I need to do. I can’t really explain it, but it feels like everything has been leading to this point.

Mom stops right outside the Old Hall and twists around to me. “Ready?”

“As I’ll ever be.” I give her a tight smile.

“You’ve got this, sweetheart. Gosh, Remi, I’m so proud of you. I hope you know that.” She leans in and gives me a little hug, careful not to snag my hair.

“Okay,” I take a deep breath. “Here goes nothing.”