Chapter One


Everything is dark.


My throat burns and my limbs feel like lead. And my head...

My head pounds.

A persistent bass drumming through my skull. Ba-boom. Ba-boom. Ba-boom.

“W-what?” I croak as I slowly peek an eye open. Blinding light assaults me and I cry out.

“Ssh,” someone says from nearby. “You need to take it easy, Remi, sweetheart.”


It’s Mom.

My pulse settles at the familiar cadence of her voice, but my eyes are having a real hard time trying to adjust to the stark light.

“You’re in the hospital, baby.” She takes my hand, giving me a point of focus.

I turn my head slightly, trying not to worsen the dull thud vibrating inside my head. “It—it hurts,” I say, my throat dry and sore. Widening my eyes, I finally see her murky outline. It shimmers and stretches until I can eventually see Mom staring back at me with tearful eyes.

“God, I’m so happy you’re awake.”

“W-what happened?”

“You don’t remember?”

I press my chapped lips together, panic rising inside me. “I... remember La Dolce Vita... and then...”


There’s nothing.

Just a dark void.

A violent shiver rolls through me. “Mom,” I whisper, “I’m scared.”

“Ssh, Remi, I’m right here.” Tears roll down her face. “Everything’s going to be okay, baby.”

Just then, I hear movement from behind me. “Is she—”

“She’s awake, Paul.”

“Dad?” I instinctively try to look, but pain rips through my skull and I whimper.

“Get a nurse,” Mom says. “Please. Try and relax, sweetheart. The doctor said you could be very disoriented at first.” My eyes flutter shut as her touch soothes me into darkness. It hurts less here, so I allow myself to drift.

I let the void claim me.

The next time I wake, the splitting pain in my head isn’t as overwhelming. I breathe through it as I force open my eyes and take in my surroundings. Cold and clinical, the hospital room is all pale colors and sterile vibes. I search for Mom, but don’t find her. I do, however, find Conner asleep in a chair in the corner of the room.

“C-Conner?” I test my voice, shocked at the little squeak it makes.

His eyes flicker open, and he bolts upright. “You’re awake. Thank fuck, you’re awake.”

“W-water... I need...” My eyes go to the small table.

“Here, here.” He jumps up and rushes to the side of the bed. There are some plastic cups and a box of straws. Conner pours me some water, adds a straw, and lowers it to my mouth.

The icy cold liquid soothes the burning in my throat. “Thank you,” I say, unable to believe how exhausted I am after such a menial task.

“Shit, Princess, you gave us all a scare.” Conner drags the chair over and sits. But I’m rigid, a distant memory vying for my attention.


Why does that sound so—

It hits me all at once.

Ace. Having sex with Ace. The way he broke me afterward. The cruel things he said...

I whimper, tears trickling from my eyes.

“Oh, shit, Remi, don’t cry. Your mom and my uncle will be back soon. They went to get something to eat. Your mom hardly leaves your side. She’s been so worried.” His face is as white as a sheet. “We all have.”


“Hey, now.” His expression turns grim. “Don’t you dare worry about my asshole of a brother. He’s not important. You are. You need to get better, Remi. You need—”

“Remi?” Mom rushes to my side. “Thank God.” She brushes the hair from my face.

“So, I’ll just... go,” Conner says.

“Thank you for staying with her.” He gives my mom a sharp nod. But as he walks away, I call, “Wait.”

Conner glances back. “What happened to me?” I ask.

“I...” He looks at my mom, and she shakes her head. His lips purse as his eyes settle back on me. “It’s good to see you awake, Princess.” With that, he leaves.

“Mom,” I sigh. “What’s going on? What aren’t you telling me?”