Taking the initiative for a change, she leaned over and kissed him. His hand delved into her hair, and his fingers curved around the back of her neck. He held her in place as he took over the kiss, deepening it. Their mutual passion ignited again. They started pulling on clothes as they lost themselves in desire. Logical thought fled.

He came to his senses first. Detaching himself from her eager hands, he moved to the other side of the room. He grabbed his suit jacket. “I really do need to work,” he said. “But you and I will definitely pick up where we left off later.” He kissed the top of her head. “Sleepover at my place tonight?”

She nodded in silent agreement, not trusting herself to speak.

Skylar left, and she hurried around the house, grabbing things she might need later at work. Somehow it had become her job to set up for the Christmas Eve party. It would also double as John Griffin’s retirement party. She wanted it to be spectacular.


The day sped by for Anna. She had to file paperwork with the court and check in with clients to make sure they were squared away until after the holidays. Knowing she was about to spend her first and probably last Christmas with Skylar and his family pushed her to make it as perfect as possible. She didn’t want anyone interrupting her vacation. Before she knew it everyone had gone home—except for Skylar.

After the way he’d lit out of her house earlier she wasn’t sure if the invitation he’d extended to her was still in play. She didn’t know if she should plan on spending the night with him or not. What if he’d changed his mind? She hoped he’d give her some sort of sign before he left the building.

Anna dragged the box of decorations out of storage and took them to the main offices. She started with the reception area. Since they didn’t have a ladder, she stood on a chair to hang lights, wreaths, garland, and mistletoe. Erika had offered to help, but she wanted to be alone with Skylar. At least that was the plan. So far, Skylar hadn’t set foot out of his office. Maybe she should have accepted help. At the rate she was going she’d be hanging decorations into the early morning hours.

Arms raised high to hang a wreath, she glanced at his office through the open doorway and saw him packing while talking on the phone. He seemed agitated. Her mind wasn’t fully on what she was doing. Stepping on the corner of the chair made it teeter precariously. She let out a frightened shriek and dropped the wreath. She tried to regain her balance, but it was too late.

She tumbled off the chair...

...straight into Skylar’s arms.

For a large man, he moved fast. His arms proved to be a safe harbor for her once again. He held her gently and cradled her against his chest. Dizzy, she buried her face into the groove of his throat. He carried her to his office before setting her on her feet. She wobbled slightly. His hands went to her waist and stayed there while she tried to regain her land-legs.

Chest heaving, he said, “You just took ten years off my life.”

His hands moved to her face, and he touched her with such incredible tenderness her vision turned watery. It was obvious he cared about her if only a little. Maybe it wasn’t love, but it was a start. If she could draw out their pretend engagement long enough, he might fall for her.

“Thanks for the save,” she said in a breathy voice.


He took advantage of the moment and kissed her. Soft and warm, his lips caressed hers with a teasing pressure that gradually increased. His hands molded her body like a sculptor working on the most important piece in his collection. She felt beautiful and desired. He had a way of making her feel like she were the only woman in existence.

“Did everyone else go home?” he asked between hot, nibbling kisses.

“Yes.” Was he thinking about taking her on his desk or the couch or on the office floor?

Skylar clasped her hand tightly and led her to the row of elevators. Her heart thrummed violently within her chest at the sight of them. No matter what she tried the claustrophobia won. The fact Skylar wasn’t telling her what they were doing made her even more nervous. Were they going home?

“I don’t have my stuff,” she said, pointing back in the direction they’d just come from. “My briefcase is in my office, and I still have to finish decorating for the party.”

He pushed a button to summon an elevator. “We have interns, you know? I’ll assign a few of them to the task tomorrow. There are two more days until the party. Relax. It’ll be done by then.”

The elevator door slid open, and Skylar gestured for her to enter first. Because arguing with the man never got her anywhere, she followed the silent order. Once inside, she braced herself against the far wall. He pushed the button leading to the conference room. She wanted to ask why they were going there, but the sudden jerk of the elevator froze her tongue.

Then, just when she thought it couldn’t get worse, Skylar hit the Stop button. The elevator shuddered. Why had he trapped her inside the big metal box when he knew it was her worst fear?

On the verge of total panic, she shouted, “What are you doing?”

“It’s okay.” His voice was soft and coaxing. He took her and pressed her up against the elevator wall with his hard, muscular body. “Everyone is gone. There’s no one to interrupt us.”

Skylar pressed his nose to her throat and breathed in deeply. A long, sweet sigh slid from his lips. His hands went to her waist and slowly pulled her blouse free from the skirt. He spoke in a low, sexy voice near her ear. “Let’s try an experiment. Let’s see if we can put something else in your mind other than fear so that every time you step on an elevator you’ll be thinking of me, of us, instead of being trapped.”

As his intentions became clear she freaked out even more. “We can’t! Not in here. What if the doorman calls for help?”

“I already told him that you and I will be working on your claustrophobia.” The tip of Skylar’s tongue flicked out to touch her earlobe, and her body melted. “I told him we might stop the elevator a few times tonight.”

His hands slipped beneath her skirt, and he lifted her high enough so the most intimate part of him could press against her most feminine spot. She forgot they were in an elevator. She forgot about the doorman and coworkers and the upcoming party. Thoughts faded away as her senses went into overdrive.

He smelled of cologne, coffee, and a hint of sweat.

His raspy breath hit her ear, growing harsh and heavy as they rushed to completion.

She tasted coffee on his lips and salty perspiration on his skin.

Her fingers delved into his short-cropped but amazingly soft hair. The stubble on his jaw scraped her bare skin, adding a burst of friction to his caress. His suit jacket felt rough beneath her hands as she grabbed handfuls of the material.

Stars exploded behind her closed eyelids.

They rode the wave together to magnificent heights before crashing, their bodies totally spent.