Anna jerked open the door. “He isn’t guilty. I know he’s not, and I will prove it to you later at trial. Right now I need to get to the jail before he does something stupid that he can’t take back.”

Skylar took the keys from her. “You are not driving. You’ll do ninety all the way there and get yourself killed. I’ll drive you. We’ll take my car.”

Relief stole over her features. “That would be perfect. I can make a few calls on the way.”


Sitting on the other side of the white Formica square table, Kyle Jensen looked small and fragile. The fluorescent lights added a slight bluish hue to his pale skin. One flickered above them, and Anna wondered if it would go out completely before they were done. She sat at the table, trying to act like a cool professional even though she wanted to play the part of the kid’s mother and wrap her arms around him. He needed a hug, but Skylar stood in the background, watching. In here, he wasn’t her lover. He was her boss, and he was probably searching for a reason to remove her from the case... again.

“What happened, Kyle?” she asked. “Why do you want to make a deal with the District Attorney? Why now?”

Tears fell from his eyes, but she could barely see his face because of his lowered head. He traced a finger along the table’s surface. His narrow shoulders raised in a half-shrug.

“Kyle, I can’t help you if you don’t talk to me.” When he remained stubbornly silent, she tried a different tactic. “I know being in here is scary, and the idea of a trial is daunting. But I can help you. I can keep you from going to prison. I can prove you’re innocent.”

Skylar cleared his throat behind her. When she glanced his way, annoyed at being interrupted, he shook his head at her. He didn’t want her to make promises. She ignored him. If it was the last thing she ever did, she would keep Kyle out of prison.

Assistant District Attorney Gretchen Feuler walked in and place a paper in front of Kyle. “Here it is. All you have to do is sign, and we will recommend ten years in a country club prison.”

Anna launched to her feet. “Excuse me. My client is not signing anything, and you are stepping all over his right to time with his lawyer. Get out.”

Gretchen looked down her narrow nose at Anna and lifted her pointy chin. “He asked for the deal. I am simply giving him what he wants.” The woman placed a hand on Kyle’s shoulder. “I’ll wait outside. Sign it when you’re ready.” She went to the door, turning at the last second. “This is the best deal you’re going to get.”

After Gretchen was gone, Kyle picked up the pen. His clumsy fingers couldn’t seem to hold it. The pen fell on the paper, and Anna sighed in relief. Before he could pick it up again, she placed a hand on top of his.

“Please trust me, Kyle. You don’t deserve to spend ten years in prison or even five or even one. Let me save you.”

The kid picked up the pen again and started to write his name. He had trouble holding the pen. A cry of frustration burst past his lips, and he threw the pen down.

Skylar stepped forward. “Give me your hand.”

Kyle’s frightened gaze went from Skylar to her and back again. He lifted his hand, and Skylar did something to the kid’s fingers. Anna wasn’t sure what. She only knew that Kyle cried out in pain.

“What are you doing?” Anna glared at Skylar.

“I’ll be back in a minute,” Skylar said. “Donotlet him sign that while I’m gone.”

Skylar left, and Anna stared after him in dumbfounded silence. She gave Kyle a half-hearted smile. “My boss. He’s a little intense, but he’s the best attorney in town. While he’s gone, do you want to tell me why you’re so eager to sign away your life?”

Kyle shifted in his seat, staring at the table again.

He refused to say a word.


After making a few important phone calls and waking up some important people, Skylar returned to the room. Instead of going inside, he stopped to talk to Gretchen. They’d gone up against each other several times over the last few years. She’d only won one of those cases. They respected each other’s work, and that’s why he knew she’d listen to him.

“That kid didn’t do it,” he said. “Kyle Jensen did not murder his foster parents.”

Gretchen scoffed. “He was the only one at the scene, and he had blood on him.”

“Kyle is your witness. Not your killer.”

“Okay. I’ll bite.” Gretchen smirked. “If he’s not the killer, smart guy, then who is?”

Skylar was glad she’d asked that question. He held up a copy of the visitor sheet. “Marcus Scalingdale. According to this, he dropped in to see Kyle earlier today. Marcus just happens to be a drug dealer and also the father of a kid the Merchants fostered. He made several threats to them in the past few months.”

“The police checked on him, and he had an alibi.”