Skylar woke up in the den after the alarm on his watch went off. He’d set it for six just to make sure he was up before anyone else. Going to bed after the family and getting up before them didn’t leave much time for sleep. He could use about a gallon of caffeine, straight black with no sugar. His head felt like it was filled with sawdust, and his mouth was as dry as the Sahara.

Since he’d slept in the den he had let Max sleep on the floor next to him. He took the dog outside so Max could do his business. On his way back in he caught sight of his grandmother taking a tray of food upstairs, and he instinctively knew she was headed for his bedroom. She was determined to prove he was lying. It was a game to her.

Unfortunately for her, he loved winning. He was also faster on his feet. He took the backstairs and ducked into the bathroom he shared with his sister when they were both around. After locking the door, he stripped his clothes off and wrapped a towel around his waist. Knowing his grandmother was quick to pick up on clues, he turned on the shower and ran his head under the water. He didn’t have time to get into the shower. Anna was going to need him.

He peeked into the hallway and saw Grandma Dot balancing the teetering tray of food while using the spare key to open his bedroom door.

She ducked inside. The bedroom light snapped on, and his grandmother spoke in the loud, clueless voice she always used when trying to trap one of them in a lie. “Why are you sleeping alone, dear?” Dottie laughed, but he could tell it was fake from years of experience. “Don’t tell me Skylar slept somewhere else last night?”

Skylar popped in behind his grandmother. On her stomach, Anna had raised her head off the pillow and was staring at his grandmother through narrowed eyes. Her silky blond hair fell in a curtain over one shoulder. Seeing Anna in bed, even with most of her hidden beneath the covers, his body reacted to hers.

Clearing his throat, he focused on his grandmother. “Did you wake Anna? Why would you do that? I went to a lot of trouble not to disturb her when I got up to take a shower.”

“Hmph.” Grandma Dot pursed her lips and wagged a finger at him. “You may fool everyone else around here, Skylar Dean, but I can always tell when you’re hiding something.”

“The only thing I’m hiding right now is behind this slipping towel.” He took the tray from her. “Thank you for breakfast. Now we won’t have to leave our room until lunch if you know what I mean.”

Grandma Dot stomped out into the hallway.

He followed and took the bedroom key from her hand before closing the door in her startled face. Then he held a finger to his lips to stop Anna from talking until the woman was out of earshot.

Anna flipped over and rubbed her eyes while sitting with her back against the padded headboard. The sheet slipped a couple of inches, but it didn’t seem to matter. She appeared to be wearing fuzzy gray sweats. Every bit of her skin other than her face and hands were covered with the soft material.

Still, his fingers itched to touch her.

“Sorry about that,” he said. “But I did try to warn you about her.”

Anna blinked. “You didn’t say she would break in while I was asleep.”

“Break in?” He laughed. “She had a key, and she brought you breakfast. It was hardly an assault.”

He set the tray on her lap. Grandma Dot had thrown the meal together in a hurry by the looks of it. Steaming hot coffee filled a single cup—she had obviously been sure she would find Anna alone—and a stale croissant rested on a small plate. There was a smear of butter on the rim. At least she had added a glass of orange juice.

“You can have the juice,” he said. “I need the coffee more than you do.”

He grabbed the cup before she could protest. The hot beverage burned his tongue, but it didn’t stop him from guzzling the whole thing. After he finished he set the cup back on the tray.

“Rough night?” she asked, eyebrow raised. “Is the couch in the den that uncomfortable?”

Ignoring the question, he removed a pair of jeans from the dresser. When he caught her staring at him with a glimmer of attraction in her eyes, he grinned. His empty hand went to the front of the towel. “Avert your eyes... unless you want to satisfy your curiosity.”

Her cheeks flamed hot pink. “The only thing I’m curious about is your lack of manners.”

“Ouch.” He ripped the towel off his body, and she jerked her head to the side so she was staring at the window instead of him. If she peeked, she would have seen he was wearing boxers. He pulled the jeans on. As soon as he had them zipped up, he said, “You can look now. It’s safe.”

Anna chose to butter her croissant with the provided knife instead of glancing his way. She took a bite and chewed slowly. Her gaze lifted to meet his. “It’s good. Want a bite?”

He shook his head as he crossed the room to stretch out next to her on the bed.

“Tell me about Clare,” Anna said.

His heart jumped. “W-why?”

“Your grandmother told me I’m nothing like her and that’s why she doesn’t believe we’re a couple. So tell me about her.” Anna’s beautiful blue eyes stared into his, making him want to give her her every desire. She added, “Please.”

He cleared his throat. “Uh... she was sweet and generous, but she was the most stubborn woman I’d ever met. She was older than me and was a law professor, and she thought that made her right about everything. Man, we had some wild knock-down fights.” He snapped his fingers. “That’s it!”