“She caught me off guard.”

Skylar placed his hands on the railing and leaned forward, tension bunching the muscles in his upper body. After a moment a short burst of laughter parted his lips. He took a step back and looked at her, smiling. “Grandma Dot is ninety, and everyone humors her even though we know she’s not as crazy as she acts. My parents let her get away with murder. Just ignore her.”

“What if she tells your mom or dad I didn’t know about Clare?”

“I don’t think they’ll be surprised.” He shrugged as his hands slid into the pockets of his faded jeans. “They know I don’t like to talk about... the past. My family has tried to get me to spill my guts a million times. If anything, they’ll just tell me I need to open up to you before the wedding.”

Anna nibbled on her lower lip for a second, knowing she was about to cross into dangerous territory, but unable to stop herself. “If we were engaged for real, I’d want to know about your first wife.”

“What if I don’t feel like sharing?” His eyes narrowed on her face, and he folded his arms. “Then what?”

“I’d try to get you to open up to me.”

“How would you try? What would you do?”

“I’d tell you that I loved you. But if you can’t trust me, I can’t be with you.”

Stunned expression, he shook his head as if to clear it. “You would break up with me just because I don’t want to tell youeverything?”

Tears pricked the backs of her eyes as her insecurities came rushing forward. She reminded herself their relationship was fake. It felt real there for a moment as if they were having a real fight, and it actually hurt that he didn’t trust her enough to open up. But none of it was real. “Never mind.”

She spun around and marched back in the direction of the house, leaving him to follow or not. Part of her wanted to run, but if his family saw, they might start to suspect. Of course, she could always tell them she was mad that he wouldn’t share information about his first wife. He called after her, but she kept going. She should thank him for reminding her that relationships were too complicated, too painful. It was a hard yet necessary lesson to learn. Even though seeing happy couples in love squeezed her heart like a vice, she was better off concentrating on her career.

She reached the backyard and kept going. She was upset enough to walk to the nearest town. Skylar caught up to her just as a car parked out front. A woman climbed out first. Then a little boy jumped out onto the gravel driveway. Squealing with delight, he ran straight for Skylar.

Anna stared at the kid, five-years-old at the most, and her heart sank to the pit of her stomach. A tiny replica of Skylar, the boy had his eyes. Anna’s gaze swept past him to the dark-haired woman. Was she his ex-wife? Ex-girlfriend? Current girlfriend?

“Uncle Sky!”

The boy jumped into Skylar’s arms. Skylar lifted him high and flew him through the air as though he were an airplane while making engine sounds with his mouth. After he put the boy down, a small hand latched onto his hand and pulled him toward the backyard. “Wanna play with Max! Come on.”

His mother called to him. “Joey, aren’t you going to say hi to grandma and grandpa?”

Joey shook his head and tugged harder on his uncle.

Skylar winked at her before allowing himself to be pulled away.

As they disappeared around the corner, the kid asked, “Who is that lady?”

Anna strained her ears to hear what Skylar would say, but his answer floated away from her. Had he lied to the kid too, said they were engaged? Or had he told the boy she was just a friend?

Joey’s mother approached her with a welcoming smile. “Sorry about that. His uncle is his favorite person in the whole world. I’ll try to keep him from monopolizing my brother while we’re here, but I can’t make any promises.” The woman held a hand out. “I’m the sister, by the way. Becca.”

Becca went to her car and dragged three suitcases out.

“Let me help you with those,” Anna said as she hurried to grab the heaviest.