Anna paced in the room she was expected to share with Skylar, a man she barely knew. She was tempted to go downstairs and tell everyone the truth about their non-relationship. But first, she would talk to Skylar. He at least deserved a chance to prepare for the fallout.

She’d already goofed up. On their way up the stairs, Dottie had commented, “You’re nothing like Clare.”

“Who is Clare?”

The elderly woman’s eyebrows had gone up and she’d grinned. “He didn’t tell you about his first wife? Interesting.”

Anna tried to cover her mistake with the excuse of a tired mind and body after a long drive up from Boston. She couldn’t think straight, which was true. However, the woman hadn’t bought the flimsy excuse. They’d just arrived, and they were already in trouble thanks to Anna’s exhaustion. If only she’d slept well last night, it wouldn’t have happened.

Skylar carried their luggage into the room, one handle in each hand and her neon pink carry-on hanging off his shoulder. He dropped them as soon as he crossed the threshold. When she opened her mouth to protest, he put a finger to his lips. Then he looked up and down the hallway before closing the door as if they were spies in enemy territory.

“I am not staying here tonight,” she said in a loud whisper. “My mind is made up. I am telling your family the truth on my way out the door.”

“On your way to where?” He smiled as if talking to a small child. “In case you didn’t notice, we are in the middle of nowhere. Taxi cabs don’t come out here, and I am not driving you back to the city tonight.”

She folded her arms. “I’m still telling them the truth.”

“To what end? Our plan is working.”

“Ourplan?” The volume on her voice went up. “Need I remind you all of this was your idea?”

He made a T with his hands, signaling a time-out. “You have the respect now of your colleagues, and my father just offered me his chair. You are looking at the newsenior, senior partner. That goes away if you give a full confession.”

Anna sighed, and her shoulders sagged under the weight of their combined expectations. On one hand, she hated lying. On the other hand, Skylar was right. What if she told the truth and his father took the job away? That could drive Skylar to drink again. She didn’t want that on her conscience.

She sank onto the edge of the full-sized bed with the handmade quilt. “I’m sorry. I really don’t think I can pull this off, not for four days. What if your mother looks me in the eye and demands the truth? I can’t lie.” She lifted her chin in defiance. “Iwon’tlie.”

“What if I sweeten the deal?” He grinned and made her a promise. “I will technically be your boss, but I will let you take any case you want, even if they can’t pay.”

Sounded awesome, but...

“My motivation for doing this isn’t the problem. I literally cannot look someone in the eye and lie to them. I suck at it.” She made a face. “Not like you. You lie so easily. What kind of a person are you?”

“I’m one of the best lawyers in Boston.” His grin widened, making him look like an adorable boy on the verge of mischief. “And I play poker on a professional level. I had to learn to bluff.”

“What about the bed?” she asked. “There is only one bed, and I am not sharing it with you.”

He shrugged. “I’ll take the couch in the den after everyone goes to sleep.”

The musky scent of his aftershave enticed her to draw closer. She fought the urge. How could he be so irritating and yet so sexy at the same time? She went to the window, needing to put space between them. Down below was a beautiful garden with a path that led to some unknown place. It had been years since she’d taken a walk for the sheer joy of being able to breathe fresh air and explore new territory.

Lost in thought, she didn’t hear Skylar come up behind her. His hands landed on her shoulders, and he turned her around to face him. Smoldering, his blue eyes looked at her in a way that set her passion ablaze. He tilted her chin using his thumb and forefinger. Her breath caught. She wanted him to kiss her, even though it was a bad habit to get into.

“You have such an expressive face,” he said. “That’s why you can’t lie. Your emotions are right there for everyone to see.”

A kiss. She wanted it as much as he did. He lowered his head, but at the last second, she turned away. “C-can we take a walk?” She pointed at the garden below the window. “Where does that path lead?”

His arms dropped to his side. “I don’t want to spoil it for you. Let me show you.”

With his hand on the small of her back, Skylar guided her out the door. They took the second set of stairs, long narrow ones to the back mudroom. He grabbed a couple of coats from a nearby rack instead of fetching hers from the foyer closet. She assumed the heavy black coat he gave her belonged to his mother. The leather coat he put on was obviously his and fit him like a glove.

They stepped outside into the crisp, cool air. He whistled for Max, and the obedient dog came running. Together, the three of them followed the path through the garden.


They started in the garden and walked the pebbled path around the corner. Anna gasped at the sight of Autumn trees in bright shades of orange, yellow, and red. They seemed to stretch on for miles. She couldn’t see where the pretty forest ended. Leaves covered the ground like a pretty blanket. A peace she hadn’t experienced before settled in her heart, and she realized she’d been missing more than just a family. Her take-no-prisoners, full-steam-ahead lifestyle kept her too busy to enjoy the simple things other people took for granted.