“Won’t happen again,” he reassured her. “I think we made our point.”

He jerked his chin at the window between his office and the outer one. She looked in time to see his father turn away, smug smile on his face. Skylar hoped she caught it. Their plan was working. Nothing for her to worry about.

She turned back in his direction. “If your father finds out we’re just pretending to be together, I will lose my job. Do you get that? He’ll forgive you because you’re his son, but he will fire me.”

“I won’t let that happen.”

“How? How will you stop it?” She threw her hands into the air. “Even if he doesn’t fire me, no one here will ever trust me again. They could even blackball me so I can’t find another job in this city.”

“Don’t be so dramatic. My family will not blackball you. I guarantee it.”

The fear remained in her eyes.

Skylar wished she would trust him. He knew what he was doing. As long as they stuck to their story no one would be able to prove they weren’t a couple. Neither of them had anything to worry about. Four days with his family would not break them, either of them. He had enough faith for both of them.