All the partners and the firm’s forty-plus lawyers gathered in the large rectangular conference room. It made Anna think of a tank full of sharks dressed in expensive suits. Too many people, but she fought the urge to run. Her claustrophobia returned, a rushing freight train that couldn’t be stopped, and her stomach flipped. She chose to focus on individuals instead of the group. Her gaze went to John Griffin, Skylar’s father.

Sitting at the head of the table, John was the stereotypical senior partner with white hair, a slightly bloated gut, and a gruff personality. He was the grandfather of two and looked it. The rumors that he was on the verge of retiring didn’t surprise her. John’s gaze briefly touched on her before moving to his son. “I was beginning to think you weren’t coming.”

On his right sat Margaret Hyde, a manish woman with broad shoulders and chin hair no one dared mention. Close to John’s age, she was known as the ‘human bulldozer’ at work. She expressed her annoyance at being kept waiting by mumbling something beneath her breath.

On the other end of the table the third senior partner, Lincoln Pierce sat bent over his paperwork as usual. He only glanced up for a second to glare at them. “Time is money, people.”

Most of the chairs were filled with junior partners, but there were two seats open: one for her and one for Skylar.

Anna’s heart lurched when she caught one of the male lawyers on the side smirking and another whispering into a coworker’s ear. Why did she think every stifled giggle was about her? It was like being in the eighth grade again and trying to avoid the mean girls in the locker room.

“Our elevator got stuck between floors,” Skylar said as he placed his box on his empty chair.

John raised an eyebrow. “Are you quitting? Again?”

“You couldn’t pay me to quit today.”

“What’s so special about today?” John asked.

When Anna tried to put distance between them, Skylar looped his arm around her waist. She couldn’t get away without making a scene. Several brows lifted and eyes widened as her colleagues took notice of their newfound intimacy. In fact, their curiosity stole the show over whatever they’d been murmuring about.

Skylar gestured to Anna with his free hand, gaze fixed on his father. “Aren’t you going to make the announcement? About Anna?”

“What’s the rush?” his father asked.

“You’ll see.” Skylar’s lips twitched. “Go ahead. Make the announcement.”

John stood, and the room fell silent. “Without further delay, I am pleased to announce our very own Anna Burkhart has become the newest junior partner of Griffin, Hyde, and Pierce. Please join me in welcoming her to the table.”

A smattering of polite applause underlined the fact that no one appeared happy about her promotion. She forced a smile and thanked John Griffin and the other senior partners. It was her turn now, time for her to reveal her plans for adding a huge client to their already impressive list. She opened her mouth to speak, silently praying her voice wouldn’t crack.

Skylar held a hand up, interrupting before she even got started. “If I may, I have an announcement to make as well.” He paused, probably for dramatic effect. “Or I should say Ms. Burkhartand I have an announcement.”

She protested beneath her breath. Pulling on his arm to get his attention, she sought his eyes. Hers pleaded with him to wait. “We don’t need to do this right now,” she whispered.

He dismissed her concern with a charming smile. “It’s okay, sweetheart. Trust me.” He spoke to the rest of the room then. “Anna and I have been engaged for over a year now. She wouldn’t let me tell anyone because she wanted toearna partnership. Now that she has, I don’t see any reason to hide our relationship.”

Anna’s eyes met Skylar’s as a boulder settled in her stomach. It was done. They’d passed the point of no return, and she was sure they both knew it.

John Griffin stared at them in open wonder. Following a moment of stunned silence, he clapped his son on the back. “You are a sly one, Skylar. I had no idea you were even on speaking terms with Ms. Burkhart. After that fiasco of a trial, the two of you co-chaired I was sure there was nothing but mutual hatred between you.”

“There was,” Skylar said with a shrug. “Then one night shortly after the trial, we ran into each other at a local bar. I bought her a drink. We talked things through, and I realized she wasn’t the scatterbrained, always-has-to-be-right shrew she first appeared.”

“Thanks,” she said in a dry tone. He gave her a squeeze, silently prodding her to add something to the conversation to sell the idea of them as a couple. She couldn’t deny it without making him a liar in front of everyone. After clearing her throat, she said, “And I realized he wasn’t the cold-hearted, insensitive jerk he first appeared.”

Confused expression, John Griffin shook his head. “Why didn’t you tell me about this last night? You knew your mother was worried.”

Skylar tilted his head towards the spectators as if trying to remind his father they weren’t alone. “We can talk later. I just wanted everyone to know this beautiful young lady is spoken for.”

He lifted her hand to his mouth and kissed it with such devotion that she almost believed the lie herself. Her ears caught a few envy-laden sighs and awestruck gasps from female lawyers. Skylar was laying it on a little thick. If he put her career at risk by overplaying his hand, she would make him wish he’d never met her.

Skylar added, “I told her that as my wife she would make partner, but she wanted to get the job on her own merits.” He placed a quick kiss on her cheek. “I am a lucky man.”

She prayed the smile on her face looked genuine. It felt as phony as a moon made of cheese. Since she’d never been engaged before she had no idea how to act. Should she gaze up adoringly at him? Should she kiss him?

“I am blown away,” John Griffin said, stealing the spotlight. He told everyone in the room, “I honestly had no idea.” He gestured to the other partners still sitting at the table. “We discussed who we should make partner in length. Didn’t we?”