“I’m already winning,” he said.

She whipped around him. “Sucker!”

He hit her car from behind, almost making her lose control.

“What do you think of me now?” he asked.

“I think you cheat.”

“All is fair in love and racing.”

Becca cheered for her. “Come on, Anna! You can do it.”

“Get him, girl,” Dottie said.

“I think you’ve met your match, Sky,” Joann said.

He groaned. “Is no one on my side?”

I am, son,” John said. “We men got to stick together.” Joann punched her husband in the arm. “On second thought... you go, Anna.”

While Skylar was distracted by his family, Anna hit him from behind with her car. He lost control. His car ended up in the ditch. Cheers exploded behind them, and Anna tried to focus on crossing the finish line.

“Hey!” he half-shouted.

“No such thing as cheating,” she said. “Remember.”

His family celebrated her win, and she glowed from the inside out. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d been so happy. Then she saw his face, saw his smile, and she had to wonder if he’d let her win. Was it part of his plan to get them to accept her? She began to question what was real with him and what was for show. What if none of it was real?

They played charades next.

Joann and her husband were a team, the winning team. Becca and Grandma Dot worked together while Skylar and Anna forged an alliance. Anna worried they might suspect something because her team barely got a point.

Skylar shrugged when they looked at him. “What can I say? It’s hard for me to concentrate. She looks so damn sexy in that dress.”

His family seemed to love that explanation.

Anna’s face burned with embarrassment.

“Wow,” Becca said. “I’ve got to hand it to you, Anna. I’ve never seen my brother this laid back about losing before.”

Joann agreed with a nod. “We could switch teams. Girls against the boys?”

“No way,” Skylar said. He wrapped his arms around Anna and placed a delicate kiss on the side of her head. “She’s mine, and I’m not sharing.”

A round of ‘aws’ hit the air. Anna reveled in the feeling of being wanted even though she knew he was putting on a show for his family. It wasn’t real. If she let herself believe, she’d wind up getting hurt.

“We should play something different,” Becca said. “Couple games aren’t fair. Mom and Dad have been together forever. They can read each other’s mind.”

Joann nodded.

Dottie placed a hand on Anna’s arm. “Someday that will be the two of you.”

Pain lanced her heart, but she froze a smile to her face.

Skylar whispered in her ear. “Sorry about them. They can be a bit much.”

She fought back the tears and whispered back. “I love your family.”