“Exactly how did you do that?”

“When you complained to me about her, I may have led you to believe she had complained about you first.” John swished his hands around in the air. “And when she did complain about you, I told her you had also griped about her. I may have also added some stuff, stirred the pot.”

Skylar groaned. “Why would you do that?”

“I knew she was too proper and you were too bitter over your loss to make a love connection.”

“Unbelievable! You tried to manipulate us into a relationship?”

John chuckled. “You’re missing the point, son. I was right. The two of you are perfect together. I’m glad you finally figured it out on your own.”

Skylar clamped down on his tongue to keep the verbal assault he wanted to unleash inside of his mouth. How long would his old man try to control him? The urge to shout the truth at his father was almost impossible to resist. He couldn’t remember ever seeing his father speechless, but that was probably what would happen to him upon learning the truth that he wasn’t right about them. Skylar and Anna were not a real couple. They were playing a con game.

John Griffin wasn’t the only one who could manipulate others with ease.

He stayed silent and reminded himself what was at stake, a chance to make a difference. He smiled, lost in thought at the stunned look on his father’s face when he learned their firm would no longer handle hardcore criminals.

And that wasn’t the only change Skylar planned to make.