The faintest stir of energy collecting on the air.

Before she could draw in another breath, a dark blur shot out of the darkness at lightning speed. Lacey’s mouth opened at the suddenness of it.

Sam shoved her away before spinning in the opposite direction, sending her crashing into the ground. The hard earth welcomed Lacey with a jolt of pain that travelled through her hip and side, producing a startled hiss from her lips. The sound of snapping teeth and snarls resonated through the air like an angry song.

Pushing dark tendrils of hair out of her face, Lacey gazed over her shoulder back towards the cabin. The lights spilling out from the window danced over Mason in wolf form, his beautiful grey fur standing up straight, his amber eyes like molten gold that burned through the darkness, and his razor-sharp teeth eager to sink into his uncle’s flesh and paint the ground with his blood.

Sam faced him, the light sending shadows cloaking much of his face, but what little Lacey could see was twisted into a mask of pure rage and frustration. He bared his human teeth, and a growl tore from his throat, low and menacing as the one that emanated from Mason.

Lacey’s soul screamed with fear for her mate as the two raced towards each other.

Behind her, the two shifters holding a still-fighting Karis blistered the air with curses and indecisions. They couldn’t decide whether to release Karis and help Sam, who still remained in human form, or to get the young werewolf out of there and pray that Mason didn’t kill Sam and then go after them.

And Mason’s chances were slim to none when it was three against one.

“Time to even the odds,” she whispered, her hand reaching behind her, her fingers searching for the knife he’d given her that Sam had thankfully overlooked.

The plastic hilt, warmed by her skin, dug into the delicate flesh of her palm as Lacey withdrew it from the waistband of her jeans. Sucking in a deep breath, she gripped it tight, and rose to her feet, anger spurring her on.

She raced forward, aiming the weapon for Sam’s back.

Behind her, one of the shifters let loose another curse as they realised what she was about to do.

Using every ounce of that rage coursing through her veins like a fiery dragon, Lacey’s feet tore across the few metres that separated her from where Mason and Sam fought. Teeth snapped the air, claws raked across Sam’s chest, drawing blood and tinging the air with a metallic taste that coated Lacey’s tongue. Sam’s arm went up, and a fist struck Mason on the muzzle, sending him flying backwards in the air.

Mason landed on his side, dirt billowing up around him. In a blur of motion, he jumped to all four paws, the cabin light illuminating the fierce determination burning alongside the rage within his mesmerising amber eyes. With a soul-gripping growl, he lunged forward once more, his claws swiping through the air, aiming for Sam’s throat.

And missed.

Lacey surged forward, sped on by anger and fear for her mate. She’d known him only a short time and the thought of living without him threatened to tear her soul in two. He’d protected his sister for years, kept her safe.

Now she would protect him.

Mates protected mates.

Keeping the grip on the hilt of the knife tight, she slashed the blade through the air, straight at Sam’s back. A cry rang through her ears as the blade sliced through denim and flesh, and the scent of fresh blood filled her senses.

This time she didn’t find it revolting.

She found it fucking exhilarating.

And she wanted more.


Adrenaline surging, she rose her hand, ready to plunge the weapon straight into his back, but Sam shot around. With a menacing growl, he backhanded her, sending her stumbling several paces, a cry shooting out of her mouth.

Then the sounds of shouting stopped, followed by a gasp of pain, and then silence.

Lacey quickly rose to her feet. In the blink of an eye, Sam’s attention had whipped around back to Mason, who had started to circle his uncle, his giant paws raised, allowing claws the size of Lacey’s index finger to glisten.

Rushing forward, Lacey slashed again. This time the blade carved a bloody path across the back of his neck. Crimson laced the night sky and Sam released a cry edged with surprise and agony.

Lacey only had a second to bask in the satisfaction of making the bastard bleed.

Then pain became her world as a fist pummelled into the side of her face, sending her crashing to the ground, the knife flying out of her hand and landing somewhere close by with a soft thud.

With no time to spared, Lacey rolled over to her side, her fingers frantically searching for the blade as she watched one of the men only holding Karis a second ago materialised above her. A lock of black hair fell over his brow between dark eyes, his face set into a fierce scowl.