It could kill everyone they loved.

Wives, husbands, parents. Even children. A wolf crazed on blood and flesh couldn’t differentiate between prey and loved ones.

And leaving the human side of them to suffer with the consequences.

Lacey knew she should lower her gaze, not to stare into a shifter’s eyes unless she wished to challenge him. Trepidation snaked down her spine, but as she inhaled one breath after another, she found she couldn’t tear her eyes away. The brilliant gold of them caught her in its glittering web and any doubts seemed to vanish.

She knew the man behind those mesmerising eyes.

She knew neither man nor beast would hurt her.

Slowly, energy gathered on the air, caressing her tear-soaked cheeks like a lover. Breathing became easier with the familiar sensation. Tiny speckles of silver light flashed around the wolf, highlighting the strands of pure white nestled amongst all the grey fur, and sending it rustling in the breeze. It grew stronger by the second, wrapping around the creature like a dazzling glove.

Lacey held her breath, entranced by the wonder of it all. Nathan had changed in front of her so many times. She’d relished in the magic, the beauty of it, and he’d relished in her awe. As she watched the iridescent light envelop him, she realised she’d missed watching it. For a teenager stuck in a dead-end mining town in the middle of nowhere, it was the only magic she’d experienced.

Then as quickly as it had come, the lights dissipated into nothing.

Revealing a very naked Mason in its place.