Baseball Jerk grinned in her direction. “Lookey, lookey, what we got here then? Still lost in the woods, sweetheart? You searching for the big, bad wolf or something?”
Panting, Lacey fixed him with a glare. “Fuck off.”
He shook his head, an expression of mock indigitation stretching over his ugly, chubby face. “Tsk tsk, did no one ever teach you that’s no way to talk to people? We came looking for the jerk from yesterday, but I think you need a lesson in manners first.”
Bruised Bastard’s face spilt into a wicked leer and his eyes narrowed into dangerous slits. “And we’ll start by showing what happens when you take a shot at my face.”
All the anger and frustration of the day merged into one thick strand that coursed through Lacey’s body. “Why? I seem to have made it look so much better. Your mama will thank me for it.”
He spat on the ground. “Bitch, let’s see how you look by the time we get through with you.”
Dread morphed into fear as they started towards her. Lacey swallowed and hurried to her feet, hoping she still had enough energy to get away. She turned and started to run, but they were quicker.
Baseball Jerk and his friend grabbed an arm each and slammed her back into the trunk of an old tree, the impact sending a long wave of pain crashing along her spine as Band-aid Bastard grabbed her chin with one hand, forcing her to meet his eyes. She didn’t like what she found. They were cold, heartless, devoid of anything good, but they seemed to rejoice in the fear that they saw in hers.
The other hand slid over her chest, his cold meaty fingers squeezing her breast. A cry slipped from her mouth as his fingers dipped beneath the hem of her black t-shirt and made their way upwards, finding and pinching her nipple. A cry tore from her throat, laced with fear. He lowered his head towards her, and the stale stink of tobacco assaulted her nostrils. “This is the first part of your lesson, sweetheart.”
Horror ripped through her mind, freezing her limbs in place as she realised what they planned to do her. Then survival instinct kicked in, and she struggled in the two men’s arms.
Screams ripped out of her mouth, tearing the inside of her throat to shreds. She kicked out, making limited contact with the bastard in front of her. She tried spitting, but all it resulted in was a punch to the gut, expelling all the oxygen from her body.
Sagging in the two men’s grips, the sounds of their laughter ringing in her ears, she felt hands forcing her t-shirt up, exposing her naked breasts to the air since she’d forgone her bra – it must still be on Mason’s floor, she thought – before a mouth closed around one of her nipples. A second later, the bastard sucked on the tip hard enough to wring another cry from her mouth.
Tears burned twin paths down the contours of her sweaty face, her hair stuck to her head as he continued to suck on her nipple whilst he pinched and tugged at the other one. Beside her, Baseball Jerk asked her how she tasted.
“Fucking sweet. The bitch has me harder than any cunt ever has.”
“Shiiit,” Baseball Jerk groaned. “Let me get a taste.”
“You can fucking wait. She’s got to pay for what she did to my face first.”
How the hell had it come to this, Lacey thought. The tears continued to fall, and she managed to get enough oxygen into her lungs to cry out, to beg them to stop.
I shouldn’t have left Mason’s house.
Fine, he may have put the mating mark on her, but he hadn’t done it intentionally, and she wouldn’t be getting assaulted. Not like she was right now. Baseball Jerk’s hands flipped the button on her jeans, and one hand slipped down, past the hem of her panties, and over her overly sensitive clit from her lovemaking with Mason. Her body jerked as his fingers began to rub, but with her body pinned against the tree, exhausted and aching, she could do nothing but try to block it out.
But her mind, the traitorous bitch it always was, couldn’t. Bruised Bastard’s fingers delved lower, forcing its way into her body. Lacey screamed, the tears streaming down her eyes blurring her to the world.
“Fuck, man, she’s so wet.”
The third man groaned and brought his face closer to Lacey’s. His tongue darted out and licked a path up her neck to suck on her ear as Bruised Bastard struggled to get a second digit inside her with her jeans limiting his access. “You wet for us, baby? In these woods, we’re kings. You’re gon’ serve your lord and masters well. Do a good job, you get to walk out of here.”
Baseball Jerk released one hand on her arm only to wrap it around her throat and squeezed tight to the point where she struggled to breath. “Do a really good job, and we won’t ever let you leave.”
Listening to their words about what they planned to do in all their vile, graphic detail, Lacey’s soul shattered within. Breathing became hard as the fingers plunging within her body.
And when they suddenly withdrew, Lacey had a single moment of hope and respite before horror smacked her in the gut as those fingers started tugging down her jeans, baring her underwear to the jeering crowd around her.
Then a growl ripped through the air, turning all the hunters’ heads towards it.
Lacey caught the sight of dark grey fur for a split second before it shot past her, a blur of hot air and menacing growls, taking Bruised Bastard with it.
A scream tore through the trees as Lacey watched a wolf bury its face in the man’s neck. Blood spurted towards, a grisly fountain that drenched the surrounding foliage. Screams ripped through the air, shrill and laced with agony.
She had no doubt who that wolf could be.
Beside her, the two men dropped their grip on her arms, allowing her enough time to yank her jeans back to their original position. Wiping her eyes with the back of her hand, she couldn’t tear her gaze from the sight before her. Blood poured from around the grey wolf’s muzzle, a steady red river that the earth absorbed with welcome arms.